Chapter 39

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Author's Note:

➖ Well this is an update after a week.

❇️ I know it might be getting boring for you guys but when you are building a story, you gotta write the cliche part. Also, it's a slow paced story since I like minute details.

☘️ Trailer was released this evening to calm some of you guys since your author is lazy.

☘️I'll write next chapter when I will get sufficient comments.


Third Person POV:

"Don't do anything before running it through Oscar!"

Amelia heard Ajax talking on the phone. She was sitting on the bed with a pillow on her lap while he was searching for some documents he placed in the closet, last night. He wasn't a careless type but his brain didn't work after seeing his lovely wife. He couldn't waste time in going to the study to keep the file there and leave his wife behind, waiting for him. She always came first.

Amelia let out a frustrated sigh. It was just another day of their honeymoon. It had been more than twenty days and she was stuck with him on that island. It was a very beautiful place but it was prison for her. She wanted to go back to her family. She felt like she needed a break from his constant presence and closeness.

She needed some time alone to get her head clear. She knew that she didn't like him but sometimes she would want what only he could give her. At first, it was painful and uncomfortable for her. But she was slowly getting accustomed to his huge size. Ignoring the emotional rejection for a moment, she wondered if she really craved his physical touch sometimes.

May be she had needed it to get away from the reality. After all, he does take her mind to another pleasurable world. After being forced in the marriage for almost a month, her brain had generated a coping mechanism for her.

"...on't want a single complaint, Victor!" She came out of her thoughts when she heard his voice more clear now. He had come out of the closet. So he was talking to Victor! I hate that guy almost as much as I hate him. He looked towards her and ended the call. He came to her, standing beside the bed. He raised his hand and caressed the lines which had formed on her forehead due to the emotional rampage going on inside her head.

"What happened?" He asked. She didn't say anything and slowly looked away. He closed his eyes for a moment and then looked back at her turned face. Her fingers were curled around the soft pillow placed on her lap. He knew she would never share anything with him. He cupped her left cheek and leaned down to place a short but soft kiss on her lips. "Come down for lunch" He said and went away.

She watched his retreating back as he walked out of the room. She pulled the pillow to her chest and hugged it. She was feeling sad and defeated. Her heart was searching for a tiniest light of hope but her mind kept shutting it down making her slowly fall into dark pits of depression.

Suddenly a light flickered in her heart when her eyes fell on a cellphone. It was Ajax's. He had forgotten it on the side table. Instant adrenaline ran through her body. She jumped at the opportunity and picked the cellphone. He just went downstairs for lunch, that means he won't come back anytime soon and she could call her mom.

Her hand accidentally touched the fingerprint scanner and it buzzed wrong. She opened the screen, recalling her mom's phone number in her head at the same time. Her heart was beating at a very fast pace. She swiped the screen and her heart dropped. It required a pin number. No... No... No... I want to talk to my mom. It can't happen. She felt stupid for not thinking about phone lock. Who doesn't lock their cellphone in this century!

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