Chapter 7

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"I'm almost done" Gracie said giving a final touch to the written part of their project.

"Bravo Grace" Shay taunted. Gracie glared at her.

April came out of her room; "Okay, how do I look?" She asked swaying around.

"Fine, just get ready" Shay said.

"Slutty" Gracie snickered, April threw her makeup brush at her which she successfully dodged.

"You look good April" Amelia said. She just informed Ajax that she was going to the department.

"What's the occasion?" She asked.

"She has her eyes set for a new guy" Shay said.

"Who? Do we know him?" Amelia asked.

"Nah, he is some new play boy from Fine arts block" Gracie said. She packed her laptop.

"Yes he is and he is quiet fine" April bragged.

"And I'm going to get him by the week" She said.

"For the week" Shay smirked.

"May be!" April winked and the girls laughed.


"So how is my future girlfriend today?" Dylan asked as he came in the cafeteria. He slinged his arm on Amelia's shoulder. She laughed at his silliness. He was a sweet and funny guy unlike certain someone.

"I'm not your future girlfriend Dylan" She said.

Dylan formed his lips in a pout; "Why not? I'm so young and handsome, it's my age to date" He said.

"Then go date someone else, Amy isn't available" Gracie said.

"Isn't available?" Kane asked.

"Is she in a relationship?" Kyle questioned.

The girls panicked at Gracie's mistake.

"She means that Amy is already in a relationship with her studies. She is reserved for her books only" Shay did a save.

"Oh yeah! That's quiet right" Kyle said.

"Then adopt me as a puppy, look how cute I am" Dylan made his pout bigger.

"I will even give you licks and kisses" He said and poked his tongue out to pretend licking her face.

"Eww.... " She said and tried to get away from him, laughing at his antics.

"Get away from our Amy, you doggo" Shay hit him with her book.

"Cruel" He said.


The girls were walking towards the girl's dorm area where their apartment was. Amelia stopped in her tracks with wide eyes. Her friends looked at her confused. They followed her line of sight and saw Ajax Santiago leaning on his expensive car. There were five black tinted cars and many guards. The dorm girls were looking at him stunned. Some were crushing at him while some were just surprised by his presence.

Ajax smirked as he saw his girl stopping a few steps away from him. Like that could stop him from reaching her. He straightened up from his leaned position and walked towards her. With his every step, Amelia could feel those fearful and weird sensations coming back in her body which she would always get in his presence.

"Hello love!" He said as he approached her. He cupped her left cheek and placed a kiss on her right one. She didn't say anything, didn't even greet him. She wasn't happy with his visit and he should know it. But did he care? No.

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