Chapter 54

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1st October, 2023

Words Count: 5901

Author's Note:

🔪I had some time on my hand so I decided to give you a third chapter of the weekly updates.

🔪I think I'm gonna get busy in the upcoming days so this is a long chapter.

🔪I don't think I ever wanna end this story. We have come so far, still I feel like I've so much to write.

🔪I think this is gonna be a long book. Do readers like a book with over ninety something chapters?

🔪Should I cut some of the story?


Third Person Pov:

"Is it hurting too much?" Ajax asked worriedly.

Amelia just woke up and had been clutching her head in pain ever since.

"Not much but it's hurting" She complained.

"Well we've some painkillers but I can't give them to you without breakfast" He told her. She groaned falling face first on his chest. She just wanted the pain to be over; both emotional and physical.

"It won't take too long baby, just let me get you freshened up first" He said and picked her up like a baby. She wrapped her legs around his torso and burried her face in his neck. Maybe she liked being carried. He smiled and took her towards washroom.

Ajax didn't sleep much last night. Amelia on the other hand was exhausted so she fell asleep fast. But she kept squirming and panting in the middle of the night. He had to stay up to soothe her and put her back to sleep. She needed him and this time he was right beside her.

His lack of sleep from the past few days didn't matter since now he had his girl with him. He knew she had been through a traumatic experience and he needed to take care of her. It was his job and he wasn't going to back out from it no matter how much it drained the energy out of him.

"Careful with the arm" Ajax was worrying too much. Right now he was helping Amelia get into another one of his shirts. Only this time he had given her some undergarments to wear too.

"Where are your rings baby girl?" He asked when he found her ring finger empty.

"T-they... " She couldn't form words as her lips started quivering and tears immediately filled her eyes. He cupped her face and said 'it was okay', thinking that she might have lost them and was scared of him now. But when she stuttered a 'S-sh-e' he knew it had to do something with that bitch Courtney.

"What did she do?" He asked with clenched jaw. He could already feel his anger rising. Amelia looked at him with teary eyes; "She took t-them off my f-finger. She said i-i didn't deserve t-to wear t-them" She stuttered dejected. She watched Ajax's eyes darken with the amount of anger he was trying to control. He tried his best not to let the flames of his wrath touch her.

She felt his fingers twitch on her face. She knew he was trying not to show it as he didn't want to scare her but she also knew that his psychotic, bloodthirsty side was still there.

"You will have them back on your finger. You are the only girl on this planet who deserves to wear the rings of my name. Doesn't matter what any bitch says" He told her with finality in his words. He didn't want her to think otherwise. But her mind was a chaos right now.

"She h-urt me. She c-called me low c-class. Her f-father... " She shivered mentioning Adler. Ajax was quietly hearing everything. As much as it hurt him to know what happened to his wife at that awful place, he needed to know her every single pain and wound so that he could inflict the same wounds to her culprits.

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