Chapter 42

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Author's Note:

📝 My exams are going on so I probably won't be able to update for next two weeks.

🌸 But I will say that your comments and requests motivate me to write.

🌸 This update was also written due to constant requests from a lovely reader.

🌸I always appreciate loud readers.

🌸I'm thinking of putting vote and comment goals for you guys to earn the next chapter. I don't really care about the votes but I love to read comments.

🌸For now I'm torn between the further storyline. I don't know whether to give LIJAX a chance or to end their relationship.

🌸I would very much like your opinions.

🌸Also, do you guys like media related to the chapters since I don't add many pictures?


Third Person POV:

Ajax wrapped towel around Amelia's body after drying her. He picked her up and took her in the closet. "So what do you wanna wear today?" He asked going through her clothes. She was staring at the floor with dead eyes.

He turned around to find no one behind him. "Lia!" He called. He came out of the closet to see her getting in bed. She didn't want to interact with his ass today. She just wanted to rest. He on the other hand, had different plans. "You can't get in bed with that wet towel and hair. You will get sick" He pulled her out of the bed.

She glared at him, she was about to scream when he smooched her lips. He brought her back to the closet. He picked a trouser shirt and gave it to her so that she could wear it. He turned around to get dressed himself. When he turned back, she had thrown it on the floor.

"What happed darling? You didn't like them?" He asked, picking up the clothes from the floor. He selected a dress this time and gave it to her. But she threw it away again. He sighed; "Okay! We can choose something else" He mumbled and picked a new pair of clothes, which she again knocked on the floor.

She got up from the round ottoman couch and angrily strode towards the clothes cabin. She thrashed all of her expensive clothes on the floor, screaming in frustration. Ajax pinched the bridge of his nose. He was frustrated too but he chose this life while she wanted to give both of them an escape.

When she strolled towards the perfume section after shoes, he had to stop her. He didn't want glass bottles to break on the floor. She might get hurt. He pulled her back to the centre of the closet and made her sit on the couch. "You have to understand, we are married now. You can't live with your parents anymore" He told her. He knew she was angry at him because he didn't let her go with her mom yesterday. She folded her arms on her chest and looked away.

"Now sit here!" He told her and pulled one of his own shirt off the hanger. She whined but she had to wear it because of her tantrum.


"I-I don't l-like n-needles" Amelia stuttered. Ajax's lips softly placed a kiss on the crown of her head. "I know baby" He said, holding the soft cotton piece against her skin. She turned her head and burried it in his chest. His arms securely wrapped around her form.

"T-they b-bad, y-you bad" She mumbled in a small voice. He removed the bloodied cotton from her arm and placed it away. "I'll ask the doctor for some other form of medicine" He told her. He held her chin and made her look at him. "No m-more n-needles?" She asked. He smiled and assured; "No more needles"

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