Chapter 72

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15th March, 2024

Words Count: 6539

Author's Note:

🪄It was boring!

🪄I was done with more than 5000 words too early. But I couldn't find it in myself to finish the scene.

🪄After a lot of your requests and texts, I pushed myself and here we are now.

🪄I don't think I'll be able to update for the next few weeks now. Probably 4 weeks!

🪄I'm very busy nowadays.

🪄I researched about the girl playing the role of our Amelia.

🪄Most people confuse her with Kate Winslet from Titanic but she is not.

🪄She is just some random model. I sent a follow request to her on Instagram.

🪄I will share more of her images with you guys if I'll find any.

🪄For Ajax's role, I tried to creat a realistic image with AI tools.

🪄I've never done this before plus none of the free tools on google worked so I got nothing.

🪄If any of you guys know about such techniques, it will be a great help.

🪄I'm double minded about Amelia's dress. I can change it if you want.

🪄Also, If you guys will like to see other character's dresses, I can put them in a seperate section.

🪄Okay.... So I was just gonna publish it but as I was writing Author's note, I accidentally touched the 'Publish' and it did.

🪄Thankfully it didn't happen some other time.

🪄It's just too heartbreaking to give the awaiting readers a hope and then snatch it.

🪄I'm disappointed with the amount of in-line comments.

🪄It keeps me from writing but who cares, right!


Third Person Pov:

".....I told them to surprise me and they got me chicken feets! Like Ehhhh!" Amelia was telling Ajax about her day over dinner. By now, she was used to sharing every minute detail of her day with him.

He only hummed in response and quietly ate his food. After dinner, he went to his study room to finish some leftover work, or so he told her.

She remained seated on the dinner table with a frown. Ajax had been behaving differently since yesterday. She thought he might be stressed about work again and would share with her whenever he would be comfortable. So she didn't bother him by asking about it.

But now it was being too much. Normally, whenever he would be stressed about work or something, he would speak less but he wouldn't lessen physical touch between them. She would receive her daily amount of kisses, hugs, cuddles and every other sweet gesture.

Since yesterday, he hadn't initiated any physical touch with her. He didn't kiss, hug or try to get inside her panties. Even when she slept last night, she cuddled with him but he didn't cuddle her back. She didn't think much about it at that time and just got on top of him to sleep peacefully.

But now as she came to think about it, he was giving her a cold shoulder. Was he mad at her about something? It was so weird and unnatural, since he never got distant from her. She didn't have any experience about how to pacify a man.

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