Chapter 69

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(Ok! I clearly remember someone commented that their birthday was on 15th of feb and if I could kindly update for them as a gift.
I wrote this chapter fast as a birthday surprise for them and now I can't find that comment.
I would've updated in the evening around 7 as a Valentine's surprise but I wanted to wait for their day.
So dear birthday girl! If you are reading this, kindly fill your name in the @ position)

15th February, 2024

Words Count: 6293

Author's Note:

🐚I know most part of my story contains smut or fluff. This is because I write chapters when I'm feeling horny or needy.

🐚Like I said before, I don't like writing drama.

🐚For me, safe place is Amelia and Ajax cuddling in bed doing lots of fluff stuff.

🐚And let's be honest here, wattpad is a smut stories site.

🐚My exams got delayed by a week so I thought to start writing this chapter.


1. Ajax getting sick and Amelia taking care of him.

2. Oscar's interaction with Amelia's family.

3. Ajax having a baby fever and trying to get Amelia pregnant.


Third Person Pov:

Amelia entered the now fully prepared project file on the drive and craned her neck in exhaustion. She had been working on her laptop for too long. She checked the time. It was past 10 pm and her husband still hadn't returned from work.

She decided to shut her laptop and check up on him. He could be really careless about the much needed rest for his body. It was funny how sensitive he was about her health but when it came to his own, he didn't give two fucks.

The bell rang for about three times before he finally answered the call. "Hello love!" He sounded busy, like he was focusing on something else. She pouted, not liking the fact that he would sometimes give her time to his work. She liked his focus on her and only her. She couldn't believe that she sounded like an obsessed lover. Guess he really rubbed his colors on her.

"Where are you?" She asked.

"I'm in the office" He loaded the bullets in his gun. He was on a mission tonight.

"It's past 10 at night Ajax. Come back already" She told him.

"I'm sorry baby. I have to work late tonight, this project is taking too long. Don't wait up on me" He checked the premises.

She hummed. It wasn't new for her now. Guess she would've to sleep cuddling his pillow tonight. But no need to be sad since he would make up for it whenever he would come back. Looks like she was gonna wake up filled tomorrow morning.

"Did you have dinner?" She asked.

"Yes" His answers were short, he sounded busy but she didn't care. He never stopped her from calling him during work hours.

"What did you eat?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Umm... Victor brought something" This made him think. What did he eat?

"Ajaaaax? Are you lying to me?" She asked disappointed.

"No baby, I'm not lying! I had Chinese or may be Thai. I just didn't focus on it" He sincerely told her.

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