Cp.1-I'm in Naruto!!....wait shadows?

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Y/n's file is in another book first page of ( SCP x Freader ) you will find all the info's about her enjoy reading . 




Pov : 

Y/n and her best friend yuna were setting in the couch ready to watch naruto their favorite anime everything was ready snaks , plushy's of naruto characters of course .

"I'm never board from naruto ever! " y/n exclaimed her friend yuna nodded agreeing with her " let's just say a little prayer for naruto's and gaara's hair " y/n said disappointed of the change that happen in 'boruto' the disaster yuna sniff a little .

"You girls what are you doing? " scp-076 inters the room " oh it's the sheep lover.... nothing just watching naruto " y/n explained .         

"Naru..what? ..never heard of him " scp-076 said 

"Will able let me show you! i think your gonna like it! " y/n said while turning the TV on to start naturo season 1 .

the show started able set to watch that naruto stuff that his both rivals y/n and yuna are interested in .

as the story of powerful nine tiled fox beast that attacks the village and sealed in new born child that turns out to be naruto , making prank on people and panting the hokage mountain .

" so ...that's naruto..a brat " scp-076 said not amazed by him " able i know his acting like that because he was alone no one care about him and treated him like plague ...not like scp-049 ....but worse ..his dream to be come hokage and he did it in the end! " yuna explained able just nodded his eyes still on the screen .

but the screen shut and turned black " eh?... what happen the TV ...it doesn't work!! " y/n tried to fix it but no use .

the TV turns on again but this time with black hole sucking everything " AHH! what the hell!!" y/n screamed being almost sucked to the TV " hold on y/n i gotcha !!" yuna yelled holing y/n's hand also able hold yuna's leg but still being sucked as well .

Everything turns black        




y/n's pov : 

All i felt is cold ...everything was in the dark ...

No memories at all ...

Just a tiny freezing wind in my back...

As i was floating in the darkness ...listening to a song i never heard of...maybe in my memories...

Suddenly, a voice told me..

" Keep on listening , little child and look to the big black space look through your eyes as you can so the whole universe will glow "     

I slowly opened my eyes to be met with white ceiling confuse i set a little feeling dizzy " agh...what happen and were i am, it's looks familiar " as i was trying to figure out what is happening some nurse opens the door and smiled at me " good! you awake now are you okay? or hurt anywhere? " the nurse asked me " no...i'm fine thanks " as i tried to leave the bed even if the nurse said i have to slow down i notice something not right .

Naruto Various! X FReaderWhere stories live. Discover now