Cp. 34 An Invitation From The Sound , Pissed MTF Tau-5??!

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Y/n was sleeping soundly next to yuna a light knock woke her up she yawned walking to the door "what's up?.. it's late " y/n said tiredly opening the door seeing sasuke "i need to talk to you.." he murmured pulling y/n by hand out of the apartment "ah.. wait till i close the door it's better be important" y/n closed the door behind and dragged by sasuke to the training ground "sasuke why are we here? the training doesn't start until noon-" y/n felt something out of place when she looked closer to the uchiha's neck spotting a mark that mark 'oruchimaru? was here? sure his a snake master- wait dose that mean..' sasuke turned around stepping close to her while our darling y/n pulled face of shocked pikachu "i want you to come with me.." he whispered .

'Uh-huh.. not everyday you get kidnapped by two uchihas.. i have to get used to this' y/n thought 👁👄👁 , y/n felt sudden pressure on her lips as sasuke hold her tight 'THE F*&& WHAT HAPPEN!' y/n stepped back confused "what the heck?! that was my first!" sasuke smirked y/n felt sleepy again 'did he drugged me?!' she was about to fall until sasuke caught her couple of sound ninja also appeared , at that time the ghost were furious "that damn uchiha!" tobirama shout angry he wish he can do something but now y/n in danger "we have to wake yuna up!" minato said and went back to the apartment .



"NANDA! ARE YOU SURE?!" tsunade asked yuna nodded a pit sleepy "even sakura tried to stop him but no use .. y/n also is no where to be found" tsunade bit her lip thinking "alright yuna i want you to bring someone" glancing at the half sleep SCP "tsunade-sama.. about yesterday i'm sorry" tsunade shook her head "no i should've asked about your past first before this" , "but really i'm sorry it's no excuse for that" the hokage sighed "yuna what happen yesterday is a past forget it don't worry i most say.. you're brave yuna now go get shikamaru" yuna smiled nodding.

"Hurry up and eat, shikamaru your dad's mission starts today too there's not that much time for morning training" 

"ugh.. ok, ok" 

"One okay is enough!" shikamaru sighed at his mother nagging in the morning they heard ring door "i wonder who it could be so early in the morning?" she left to answers the door "yes?" .

"Good morning mrs.nara is your son shikamaru here? there's something hokage-sama told me for him" yuna replied yoshino gazed at the girl for moment before squealing hugging her face "you're so cute! yes my son is inside do you want anything?!" yuna hardly pulled back "cup of worm milk will be great.. god i can't breath" .

"Shikamaru! there's a girl here don't keep her waiting" shikamaru blink at how his mother's mood change 'women's are scary..' he thought walking to the door seeing yuna smiling waving and the other hand holding cup "we have a mission" her stare turn serious the two chunin left meeting tsunade in the office "sasuke uchiha apparently slipped out of the village late last night he also got y/n with him there's no mistake that he is headed for the village hidden in the sound " tsunade explained "slipped out?! why?" shikamaru asked "because he was enticed by that oruchimaru" shika gasped "w-wait a minute why dose sasuke have to be enticed by risky guy like that on top of that dragging y/n in it " .

"Sasuke went to him for the power for y/n i'm sure oruchimaru wants her for something bad.. mad gross maybe" yuna replied tsunade hummed "there's no time you two will preform your first mission as a chunin" .

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