Cp. 32 The Fifth Hokage! A Life On The Line!

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Later that night~

Y/n was walking a long with her ghost friends "what should i say to her.." hashirama said worried look in his face he have to meet his granddaughter and change her mind a little "oruchimaru can't learn from his mistakes huh.." y/n mumbled as the door of the apartment building opens revealing tsunade she saw y/n near the wall leaning on "i didn't have much time to know you , you're y/n that yuna have been talking about" y/n hummed the scp pointed to her to follow at first tsunade felt chills from her but walked over to the Livingroom close 'why am i feeling this not like how i feel with oruchimaru' tsunade thought sitting cross from her "i heard you fought long side with the third hokage and saved him" y/n smiled and waved it off "yeah i was doing my job kinda not really .. anyway tsunade i know you will go see oruchimaru soon also drugged the pervy sage" the sannin laughed "is really true what they say about you , future taller" .

"yeah , yeah let's not focus on that i want you to meet someone that'll change your mind in 360" y/n said tsunade scoffed like anyone will change her mind "i don't see anyone here is a ghost that i'll meet like is impossible-" the sannin stopped seeing that there's shadow forming in front of y/n slowly appeared right in her eyes the first hokage 'it's just like him.. this is a trick right?!' hashirama waved nervously "long time no see.. my princess" .


Next day~

Y/n yawned starching out of bed 'that was a long night..' she thought "but at least tsunade have quite the idea to still meet him i have to wake that pervy sage and naruto-" the door shoot open with panting shizune "tsunade is gone!" yuna who cover herself even more ignored her & y/n who stared with blank face "i know .." y/n simply said shizune voiced 'HUH?!' at her "let's get naruto & jiraiya we have a meeting with mr. snake " .


"How is that your answer princess tsunade?" oruchimaru asked with a grin kabuto stand behind him making sure things aren't out of place again tsunade tried to kill him minutes ago "to think you'd try to kill me at any rate i have a sin care trust in you , kabuto a trust for your loyalty and your eyes that spotted tsunade's attack" 

"Yes we're both from the same medical corps so.. her chakra was overflowing with violent intent" oruchimaru sighed "tsunade i was really planning on resurrecting those two people and here i went so far as to promise not to smash the leaf village" tsunade frown then smiled at him " oruchimaru.. do you think i'm stupid to heal your arms? i know that your promise of 'not touching the village ' was a lie ..even if i wanted to see them one more time .. but yesterday i meet someone i couldn't believe he was real and after talking to him i'm sure those two they're watching me from afar wanting the same dreams as that kid , things that have formed eventually decay .. you said well that bullshit to me" she glared running to him kicking the grounds and destroy the place while oruchimaru & kabuto jumped high up "come oruchimaru!" tsunade called .

"Come to think of it we've never gone at it even once until now.."oruchimaru laughed tsunade removed her cloak "now i'm going to kill you two worthless punks! you're going down!" running up to them both of them start running away knowing fighting her close will be deadly as she following them , after some time the others came seeing how the place is destroyed they can confirm tsunade was here "she was about to kick their asses" y/n said naruto looked around "what happen here?" .

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