Cp. 39 Goodbye Naruto!!

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Once again in the hospital~

"CLEAR THE WAY!" y/n yelled wheeling naruto's chair around the halls kakashi chase after them for so much noise even the third hokage can't keep with he sighed "what a noisy day.." drinking his green tea in bed "fast n/n-chan he's close" naruto shouted "shit!" .

"Stop it you two!" kakashi called meanwhile sand siblings watching from the room's window seeing kakashi's struggle ".. those two are strange" temari mumbled kankuro hummed gaara who kept his eyes on them they look happy having fun fooling around he thought of joining them too suddenly man with white hair stand in their way "HUH?! pervy sage!" naruto pointed "oh long time no see naruto, y/n" naruto left the chair facing jiraiya "don't give me that 'long time no see' garbage you jerk sage you were talking all big about watching my training making me into your protégé and stuff where were you traipsing around until now believe it?!" .

"Well how can i put this? i was gathering information" y/n rolled her eyes " it was probably ladies anyway, right?" naruto said "you idiot!!" jiraiya mockd him y/n cleared her throat " it's about the akatsuki right?" jiraiya nodded "yes it's about them after two years later when they'll move into high gear i will thoroughly train you.. i wonder if you're prepared" .

Naruto smirked "i've been tired of waiting believe it" soon yuna & Able walked by "oh hello feeling good naruto?" yuna asked "i could've been better i'm going on training trip!" Able raised his brow "training trip that's good for you brat" naruto pulled stink face at him "take care and train hard alright brat?" Able said then left "huh?.." naruto pulled confused face , yuna giggled "that's his way naruto he's very pleased with you anyway tsunade-sama wanted me for something so see ya later" y/n chuckles "ah~ tsunade won't let go of her that easy.." naruto glance at her "why?" , "because she'll squish yuna's chubby cheeks every time she leaves" they all laugh as it's true yuna & Able left the meeting room with yuna right cheek red from the squeeze "i hope i can find sasuke in my trip i'll bring him back even if that makes him hate me" naruto mumbled y/n hand touches his shoulder "of course he'll return even if your relationship end up like mine and Able's" .

Naruto glance back at her "how?.." he asked .

"Like this! eat shit and die" y/n said to Able who glared back "yeah f*&k you" then start laughing "look naruto this an example of healthy rival relationship" naruto sweat dropped "what a relationship.." shisui said .



"I owe you one"

"No i just repaid the debt from last time next time i'll settle things more properly"

"well this time i'll acknowledge that you didn't cry" y/n made ohh~ sound shika huffed "not again just like a woman" 

"What about him?" gaara asked "you mean narubro he's leaving today with jiraiya for training journey yuna helping him pack, i'll stay here" y/n replied "such a pain.. he's going to come back having gotten stronger again" y/n gazed at him "and you should do the same shika" .

"See you two around" the sand siblings along with matsuri start leaving y/n waved her hand "safe trip back home!" gaara turn to her with faint smile 'he should smile more often' y/n thought .

"Alright naruto your eternal trash has been collected and throw out what about you?" yuna asked "i finished cleaning the floor, well i guess that's about it.. yu-chan?" , "yes?" 

"Why can't you and y/n come with me? i'll miss you so much.." yuna smiled sitting on the bed " i know it's hard for you so dose is hard for us we will miss that small cute face of yours but remember that your father will always watch over you even if were not by your side" naruto blushed with his hands behind his head "do your best and return to us" naruto raised his arm up "I WILL BELIEVE IT!" he gazed at the photo of the team7 also the family photo of him y/n, yuna and Able .

At the gate~     

"Good luck naruto have a safe journey and be careful around jiraiya" y/n jokingly said "huh? i won't do anything weird!" jiraiya replied naruto hugged both y/n & yuna surprising them "i promise.. i'll be back stronger to protect you" he whispered returning the hug back y/n never stop kissing the young ninja's face "you're so cute i don't want you to grow up just stay like this!" y/n cried Able scoffed at his rival when naruto & jiraiya were on the way naruto stopped looking back at his family waving then at the fourth hokage's stone face "keep your eyes on me.. father " the kages stared at naruto "i'm sure he'll return stronger that boy have a promising future" hashirama said minato smiled watching his sensei and son . 

"What're you doing?! i'll leave you behind, naruto!" jiraiya called "HEY! hey wait up!" y/n saw that hinata behind one of trees staring at naruto 'heh.. can't wait until he return' .

Suddenly strange black portal appeared under the SCPs everyone give that face  👁👄👁 as they're been sucked into it "NOT AGAIN!" they yelled "Y/n!! YUNA!!" the ghost called soon it fall silent and everything went black , when y/n woke up she gasped 'i'm back to my old self' she thought staring back at the turned off TV "get off of me you fat" yuna struggle under Able who enjoy that not moving "oh your finally back!" dr. bright said eating Oreo "hey! that's mine!" y/n shouted soon dr. gears entered "you're here good we were watching all of you in the TV" .



"Not only the doctors also some of your SCP friends"

Long story short the TV yuna made have anomaly powers that sucked us to naruto world the world were in has now real universe of it's own that means every show the TV shows it's real and the screen is the window to teleport lots of worlds, right now the portal have classified and have SCP number the three SCP went to O-5 talking like any of them care well accept yuna since she's high MTF member 'hope i can return back .. i miss naruto already' y/n thought "y/n are you listening??" O5-3 asked y/n sighed "yeah, yeah.." .

Who knows what will happen the next 3 months not just for y/n but for the world she live in be aware that.. 

We die in the dark so that you may live in the light... but soon you have to embrace the darkness and fear the light .







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