Cp. 37 Hospital Visits & Uncovered DNA!!

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"Hurry up yuna! everyone is in the hospital!" 

After the mission all the teams went to hospital for treatment y/n didn't waste time knowing that everyone is okay , she comes home and never rest making sweets for the team's trouble also for gaara and his siblings now she's running with yuna behind followed by the ghost to konoha's hospital .

Hidden leaf hospital~

Y/n meet with familiar cat ears and red haired males in the hall " i recognize those ears anywhere hi kitty! hi panda-kun!" yuna pulled y/n's ear saying this is hospital don't scream y/n "oh it's you again" kankuro said with a smile "i never rest when i return i made some sweets as apology for the trouble also for the others" kankuro smirked smelling the goodies in the basket "sure smells great i miss the cookies you guys made in chunin exam so i'm excited for this one.. except that one time gaara wanted more so i give him.. for the sake of my life" he whispered last words to them "panda-kun you enjoyed the cookies i'm happy have some more!" y/n handed some also to kankuro "why do you call me that?" gaara asked with blank face "because you're cute" gaara got confused cute? how?, "what about me? aren't i cute??" hashirama mumbled but no one give him an answer 'DEPRESSED MODE' while he stand in the corner .

"Alright we have to see my friends and my bro see you later!" y/n beamed running while yuna called out for her not to run and cases disturbance for the sick people "wish could date one of them" kankuro said to himself gaara at this point broke the cookie in hand but still eat it wondering why he's feeling this way " i'm sure his room is close by.." y/n mumbled "hey.. y/n, yuna you okay?" shikamaru said walking their way "shika! my man how's your finger?" y/n asked he grin "it's okay more importantly that you are safe" y/n smiled widely making shika blush he pulled the air pods handing them to yuna saying thank you it's really helped him fighting that flute lady .

Naruto sat at the hospital bed gazing at sasuke's crossed headband he couldn't keep his promise to bring him back he heard the door open "oh you were awake, huh?" shika said not too long y/n & yuna popped out "hello bro!" .

"Shikamaru! n/n-chan!, yu-chan!" naruto beamed y/n walked to naruto giving him tight hug "you did great naruto you okay nothing more hurt?" yuna asked naruto waved his hand "i'm fine .. so everyone's okay?"

"Yeah they are.." shika replied .

"That's good" 

"You know naruto how much fun being in hospital i know it's not great at times but it's fun when you are with the team together" y/n said trying to cheer naruto up "like the time you prank us you died" yuna giggled shaking her head "or the time you raced with a wheelchair against injured MTF or that time when you were in anesthesia and saying i'm pregnant" shika raised a brow and chuckles 'never thought y/n likes hospitals' , "i'm fun person i'll always have ways" y/n said proud of herself "i made some sweets have some guys" .

"Ah thanks" shikamaru said taking one the door slide open with sakura & tsunade stepping in "did you found sasuke?" sakura asked y/n sighed pulling yuna alone outside the room "we'll be visiting kiba next! see ya bro" after that they left searching for kiba's room "oh is that kiba's sister?" yuna pointed at female leaving the room with some dogs around "seems so.. excuse me ma'am is kiba here?" the female turn to the young girls then smiled "didn't thought that he'll get two pretty visitors and yes his inside" dogs sniffing around them wiggling their tails as they enter "hey kiba how's akamaru?" kiba turn to her "his fine..  why don't you ask about me??!" y/n hugged him acting like a baby "we made some sweets want some?" yuna asked he nodded taking some and for akamaru dog treats "get well soon! i'll visit next time have to see neji" the girls left soon after hana kiba's sister entered "what a nice girls.. maybe one of them future sister in low?" kiba went red "stop it sis!" he yelled .

"Let's see .. sure neji's room is somewhere oh! mr. hiashi you here for neji?" the hyuga walking down the hall nodded "and i think you two thought the same" entering the room neji still sleep after the treatment y/n walked putting the sweets on table beside the slasher he used next to him "i was worried .. thank god his okay" hiashi said y/n lean close kissing his cheek "i really hope he'll wake up healthy soon i need to go see choji if that possible" y/n walked out meeting with yuna who waited out the room as they left while hiashi smiled .

"No visitors yet at all?" ino hummed "his father over there i can't do anything but happy his staple now i'm gonna go ask about sasuke bye!" by that ino left .

"So you the ones choji talks about" choza said holding a smile to them noticing the cookies becket yuna is holding "if it's not problem we made this for choji can you take it for him when he wake up?" choza beamed "of course!" y/n & yuna bowed thank then left , choza took one cookie eating it "good at cooking too choji is lucky" .

Walking back to the head hall gaara's team where in their way out y/n wanted to spend some time with them until shizune run to them huffing and gasping for air "what's wrong?" yuna asked shizune breath for moment " tsunade-sama need the both of you right now" gaara's team looked at each other is something bad happen? "i hope nothing bad happen.." shisui said , taking the young girls with her "hope nothing is wrong.." kankuro said "yeah.." temari murmured glancing at gaara who stand still staring as they turn to another hall "why tsunade-sama want us?" y/n asked .

"Can't say anything now.." shizune replied .

Shizune pushed the two girls inside empty room with walls have marks like a seal yuna felt unease as she stepped near y/n "sorry to scare you i wanted to talk about something i found .. in your DNA"


"I can't say how i'm amazed by your DNA never thought i will see this type i only read about it and thought was complete joke and impossible but when i examine your body tissue i went deep in cells and other things" y/n raised her eyebrow in question "what are you talking about?" tsunade open the book "ghost DNA" yuna heard this before but where? "ghost DNA?" y/n titled her head the kage's lean more reading what's on the book "ghost DNA is when humans likely procreated with an unknown human ancestor i also found something interesting you two said you don't remember anything from your past right? but never thought of you both know each other somehow the possibility be very distend related in your family tree? " tsunade explained y/n gaped and glance at yuna "w-what?" .

"I know i heard this before.. but the doctors in our world where baffled in our DNA and how active it was whenever we use our power connected i think when i used my power on kimimaro you've notice it right?"yuna said tsunade grin like yes it was "it was very hard to examine but i'm sure to say maybe you're human somehow in your family tree" y/n went silent yuna frowned " i always felt funny sometimes.. now saying i might be human i don't know what to say and NOW i'm related to yuna??!" tsunade was about to calm her only for y/n to hug her "thank you.." the ghost happy inside at the news .

"Thank you very much"       




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