Cp.30 A New Training Begins: I Will Be Strong!

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" Get OUT! " itachi gasped for moment not seeing that bloody little girl anymore but y/n holding some dangos in a bag "here! have some also you shark boy hope to meet again .. take care of your self itachi" y/n mumbled last words then teleport out of sight kisame gazed at him "why didn't you let her go?" he asked .

"We have plenty of time.. right now i need to rest " the image of what he saw still in his head he asked himself what happen to you ..

Back to the exit village~

Guy sensei left with sasuke in his back not forget he give him that thing he always wears to naruto "hey people miss me?" they look behind it's y/n naruto run and hug her tight "i was worried! n/n-chan!" y/n ruffled his hair telling him it's okay got to do some business "so we are going to continue the journey to the next village?"  

"Of course let's go!" naruto beamed .

They start to walk minutes until y/n saw cute looking deer in the near bushes she had idea to annoy yuna as sisters job to do that after all " yo! aww cute.. is kinda walk strange right yuna? definite skin walker confirmed!" yuna shot glare at y/n "STOOOOP DON'T SAY THAT!" yuna Whined about it y/n knew her friend hate to talk about that ( if you didn't know y/n & yuna got mission involved scp-2750 which is was skin walker you can find the file about it later , however y/n caught group of them in the end yuna is always scared talking to the subject even if she's stronger than them she don't like them so y/n teases her ever since) .

"Yuna he's looking at you~" y/n sang yuna freaked out, stuttering in her speech avoiding the cute deer who titled it's head confused "can't do that! can't do that!"yuna walked fast past them "WHY IS HE WALKING LIKE THAT NO! NO! NO!" yuna yelled at one of the animals walking to the deep forest the ghost stared at her like what the hell is wrong it's just a cute animal.. right? "HA! she's still hate them" y/n laughed holding her stomach naruto turn to her "what do you mean?" he asked same as jiraiya he never seen yuna so scared like that she's always the first one jumping to danger gaara was one of those but now she's horrified by something called skin walker? what is that anyway? "oh? that in my world we got mission involved scp-2750/skin walkers we talked to some locals about the location of them their known to inhabit the southwest United States, specifically the regions of northeast Arizona and southern Utah, notably around the area of the Navajo Nation reservation , ability to change their appearances and body shapes to various animals & humans still we don't have them all in seal yet so they are free around those places yuna don't like them when she first met them for reason so i teas her" naruto eyes shaped worried thinking y/n notice that then chuckles "don't worry naruto i'll know right away if we run into one but of course that impossible here , yuna is just paranoid that's all" .

"Skin walker.. sure sound scary.." hashirama mumbled 'what a scary world they live in..' minato thought "but i still don't know why y/n care about those akatsuki people.. i'll ask her later" tobirama said shisui hummed 'hope itachi is alright i wanted to talk..' .

Y/n's pov :    

As we continue to walk naruto asked jiraiya about tsunade and her habits of gambling excited to meet her "yeah.. she likes to bring yuna with her in gabling too i didn't know what they do to win that much money .. never thought she have such luck " jiraiya said very clear to me yuna have powers to know those stuff pretty sure tsunade use her talent for that naruto as always argued with pervy sage to start the training .

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