Cp . 36 For A Friend... My Tears Are Becoming A Sea..

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Y/n's pov :

'GOD! i wanted to see drunk lee before i go i think now i have to deal with the hardest part .. sasuke' me and naruto finally came out from the cave seeing the first hokage & madara stone statue "sasuke!" naruto called i stayed right behind him this will end rough for both of them but got to happen "are you gonna run away from me?!" naruto asked sasuke tens then turn around naruto gasped as half of sasuke's face covered in cursed mark so dose color eye change "yo loser.. it's you this time huh? y/n? why wouldn't you come with me?" he said me my self give him board look 'if i have kakashi's belt you will see god soon but i'll hold myself so you're lucky you got away from THAT KISS' he chuckles .

"Why?.. why is it .. sasuke?" naruto asked with painful look in his eyes "why did you become like this?!" .

"Whatever happens to me what dose that have to do with you?" sasuke asked "i have my own way no matter who it is nobody has the right to tell me what to do.. i will tell you the truth i'm done fooling around with you guys of the leaf.. go home " naruto's face went shocked hearing it from him what the others did for sasuke's return was all nothing to him? "everyone risked their lives to come after you, you know" naruto said sasuke scoffed it off "good job for them" he turned away continue his way little did he know the fight just started naruto jumped at him and pushed him still sasuke have the same cold ... look. 

'Huh.. sasuke kinda good actor.. but also a challenge' i thought minato worriedly watch naruto knock some sense in sasuke and now they start throwing hits .. great "naruto are you okay!" it's hard seeing a friend turned that way just for power just for avenges to kill a brother who always cared for him but i can't say that to him can't say itachi cared for him itachi wanted him to be strong all that danzo's fault destroying peoples life's all in one night .

"Uchiha are always blinded with hate not surprising for me" tobirama said i sighed "not all uchiha are blind by that humans can be blinded with hate or love either way they suffer"   

"Yeah she's right bro" hashirama said 

"What now you call me bro?"

"Why not? got it from y/n" shisui sweat drop at the hokage brothers .

Pov :

Sasuke's cursed mark covered his body more he grins madly "did you know naruto.. top class ninja should be able to read each other's hearts simply by an exchange of fists even without saying anything you're naïve naruto how about it?.. were you really able to read inside this heart of mine?" activating his sharingan sasuke use 'Fire style : phoenix flower jutsu' as naruto dodged it but caught in sasuke's surprise attack and hit him to the water not enough for him the young uchiha hold his collar while the other hand had chidori 'you and i both knew without us even having to have an exchange of fists.. even without saying anything the fact that.. we are friends' naruto thought gazing at sasuke's hateful eyes ' it's not without meaning.. to me you're my closest friend' .

'Right now i don't really know.. whether you really meant what you said earlier or not thinking that we were friends that might have been that might have been just me' slowly chakra of nine tails swim around naruto changing his body little by little sasuke smirked to strike him with chidori in his shoulder y/n gazed down worried but this is have to happen "you managed to divert it with your left hand but it was meaningless" pulling his hand out of naruto "you won't be able yo use any hand sign or jutsu earlier anymore" griping his throat hard to choke him out not too long naruto hold his hand hard in return with nine tails chakra flow sasuke hissed in pain moving away from naruto .

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