Chapter 1 The Metropolis of Despair

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Heartland City in the Xyz Dimension used to be a happy place, where people had fun dueling until people started to be sealed into cards. Antique Gear Soldiers marched in, and amid the flames that ravaged the city, people started running in order to avoid being sealed into cards themselves, but most could not escape this fate.

"Unforgivable!" As a Chaos Giant tore down part of the wall surrounding Heartland City, it unleashed a blast, causing a blaze across the city, and more destruction. It was joined by another three to continue the destruction.

"I will never forgive them. Academia!" All of this was witnessed through the blue eyes of one such person.

(Flashback Ends)

With Kurosaki Shun, Jean, Katrina, and Lisa left to find their comrades in the Heartland City, Yuya, Yuni, Vivian, Gongenzaka, Sawatari, Reisho, Ruri, Condor, and Aera are walking on the streets of the ravaged Heartland City. Yuya and the other six have Red cloth tied onto their hands, Condor and Aera gave them so that they can be trusted by other Resistance members.

Vivian says, "I can't believe this is the Xyz Dimension... The Heartland who is said to have fun until Academia destroys them all?"

"I am afraid so... the last time when I was here, it doesn't look this awful..." Condor frowns as Ruri looks down sadly.

Reisho asks, "Yuya, have you found where Yuzu and the rest are?"

Yuya looks at the Call Function of the Duel Disk and then shakes his head, he says, "No...what about you, Yuni?"

Yuni sighs, "When I was reviving Burno, I considered we might be separated in different dimensions, so I managed to build an interdimensional calling device inside him."

"That means you're able to get a hold of Yuzu?" Gongenzaka asks.

Yuni frowns, "Burno told me that Yuzu, Ruka, Rua, Yuri, Sona, Sora, Satoshi, Kiryu, Aki, Mark, and Hana are safe...but they're in the Fusion Dimension."

Everyone can't believe what they're hearing and Yuya can only grit his teeth. "Damn it... Yuzu is in the same dimension as Academia..."

Reisho says, "Maybe they're not in Academia. They might be in the city, if that's the case, they only need to get away from the Juvenile Corps."

Ruri says, "I hope so..."

Astral appears in his solid form and says, "This place is much worse than the Barian Attack..."

Yuni says, "I know. I would be excited to be here if it wasn't destroyed like this..."

Aera asks, "By the way, Yuni, Yuya, you said that back in the Synchro Dimension, some of the people are reborn from the legend after the dimension splits, does that mean there are also ones in Heartland?"

Yuya and Yuni nod as Yuni says, "Astral is from here. And the Number cards were once his memories until we added some Barian numbers in our deck."

Astral says, "Barian numbers weren't my memories, but they might also come in handy, that's why we have them in our decks."

Yuni says, "Brother and I also use different decks, my Synchro Deck is from Jack Atlas, but my Xyz Deck is from Tsukumo Yuma."

Yuya says, "As for my deck, I used the Photon Deck, which belonged to Tenjo Kaito in the past."

"Tenjo Kaito?" Condor asks, "Does that mean Dr. Faker and the others are also known in the Original World?"

Vivian says, "We can talk about this later. We have someone who is going to faint at any minute..." She looks at him, who starts to have hallucinations as he says, "There it is! Water!"

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