Chapter 36 Machine Battles

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After bringing Wilson back to Xyz Dimension, Yusho and Sarah are glad to see him still alive, and Sarah asks, "Wilson, what happened to you?"

"It is a long story. A man approaches me and he told me that he knew where Victoria was, but all of it was a trap."

"A trap?" Vivian asks. "What do you mean by that?"

"I was killed, but my body is made into a robot...just like what Zone did to Apolia...I was split into three." Wilson says as he then glows, then in front of them are three Wilson but of different ages.

"Woah...this is really crazy..." Rua says.

"Yeah, and now I am Will, these two are called Terry and Aero. We did see Zarc's destruction back in the original world, but we are being puppets of that man...Itchize..."

"Itchize?" Ruka asks, "I guess he has to be the third person in the dream, right?"

"Yeah, but I have freed thanks to Ray, and I was in the Synchro Dimension, and I met Sherry LaBlanc. She took me in and we were used to living in this way."

"I see, thank you so much for helping our friend." Yusho says to Sherry.

"No problem." Sherry says. "After all, I did need some help if I wanted to get revenge on Academia."

"But now I am curious how would you guys duel." Rua says. "I know, why don't we try it out?"

"You mean, you want to duel one of them?" Yuya asks. "Sure, I guess. So Wilson, do you want to duel?"

Aero says, "I can have a duel if you want."

"As for us, we would like to look around the place." Wilson says.

"We can show you around." Yuto, Vivian, and Ruri volunteer to bring the two of them.

Then they go outside the ship and then both Ruka and Aero prepare their duel disks. "Field Magic: Crossover."

As the platforms appear, they both yell, "Duel!" (Rua:4000)(Aero:4000)

"I'll go first, I summon Sky Core in DEF position." (ATK:0/DEF:0 LV:1) As a core-like monster appears on the field, he says, "I set three cards and end my turn."

"My turn." Rua says as he looks at the field. "DEF:0...It might be a trap. But I can overcome it. I summon Deformer Chakkan (ATK:1200/DEF:600 LV:3)

As a lighter-shaped monster appears, he says, "I use its effect, I can give you 300 damage since I was in defense position."

Aero is hit by the flames and he just wipes it out like it is nothing. (Aero:4000-3700)

"Trap card, Torrential Burial. When a monster is summoned, I can destroy all monsters on the field."

A wave appears and then all the monsters are destroyed. Rio asks, "Why did he destroy all the monsters? That means that his field is empty as well."

Will says, "No, our deck is very unique, and this is also the reason we are called Synchro Killers."

Aero says, "When Sky Core is destroyed, I can summon these cards from my hand or my deck! Neo Machine Emperor Skiel ∞! (ATK:0/DEF:0 LV:1) Skiel Top! (ATK:600/DEF:0 LV:1) Skiel Attack! (ATK:1000/DEF:0 LV:1) Skiel Guard! (ATK:200/DEF:300 LV:1) And Skiel Carrier! (ATK:400/DEF:0 LV:1)"

As 5 monsters appear, Johan asks, "5 monsters at the same time?"

"No way..." Ruka says.

"Due to the effect of Skiel ∞, I can combine all five parts into one! And their ATK will be the sum of all 5 monsters!"

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