Chapter 35 Bruno's Son

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Yuni is continuing fixing Sergey after getting their fifth base conquered, Reisho says, "So how is the progress?"

Yuni shakes her head and says, "I guess maybe I hit this cyborg too hard, let's say if he is a human, he is under a coma."

"I see..." Reisho frowns, "It must be very hard to fix...what about Burno? Did you ask him for help?"

Yuni sighs and says, "Recently, he has been thinking a you remember his son Wilson?"

"Wilson? He is also one of our best friends. But I thought that he was missing..." Reisho says.

"That's why Burno is not in a mood. He misses him." Yuni says, and then they see Yuya, Yuzu, Mark, Hana, and Victoria coming in. Hana asks, "So how is Sergey's fixing?"

"There is nothing we can do for now..." Yuni sighs, "Did you see Burno anywhere?"

Victoria asks, "Wait, you mean Burno is still alive?"

Yuya says, "Yuni and Reisho recreate him, but come to think of it, I haven't seen him recently."

"I guess so, ever since I ask him about his son Wilson, he hasn't been the same since then." Yuni says.

"Wilson...what happened to him?" Victoria asks.

"Wilson...let's say he is like you, one day, he went missing, and we don't know where he is." Yuzu says.

"There you are!" Just then, Burno rushes into the room, and Yuya asks, "Woah, where did you come from?"

"I was just back from Synchro Dimension. I think I detected my son." Burno says, and this causes them to get surprised. "Wilson is still alive?" Mark asks, "For real?"

"It was mild, but I can sense him...he must be somewhere in the Synchro Dimension." Burno says.

"Then let's go there." Yuya says, "It's time we find our old friend."

The others nod as they rush to the Synchro Dimension.

Once they go into the Synchro Dimension, they are surprised to see Crow and Kiryu here.

"Crow? Kiryu?" Yuzu asks, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, Yuya, well, we are back here to see if the kids are doing fine." Kiryu says.

"And who might this lady be?" Crow asks.

"Oh, this is our friend Victoria." Yuya says.

Victoria just calms her shock and says, "It is nice to meet you."

"Same here." Crow says as they shake hands. Victoria then whispers to Yuni, "Not only the ones from Judai's and Yuma's timeline but Yusei's as well?"

"I know what you mean." Yuni sighs as she turns to Crow, "Crow, I want to ask you, do you know a person named Wilson?"

"Wilson? I have never heard of anyone with this name." Crow says.

"Me neither." Kiryu says, "Is it someone important to you?"

Burno says, "He is my son. I have been trying to find him, but to no avail..."

"Your son? I thought you were just an android..." Crow says.

Mark says, "He was originally a human before charging into an android, his son is our childhood friend."

"I see. I guess that you should check the Security if you want to find the person." Kiryu says.

"Thank you, we will go there." Yuzu says as they leave together.

Once they arrive at the Security Building, they are now using the computers to search for the person. Yuzu sighs, "There are a lot of people...but no one fits his description."

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