Chapter 47 The Fifth Seven Sin

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In Academia, Yuri, Sona, and Serena and the others are helping out the Academia students, as they are happier since some of the students are not afraid of them like they were used to. Yuri says, "Sona."

"Yes, Yuri? What's wrong?" Sona asks.

"I want to ask you about something, have you ever fall in love before?" Yuri asks, and this causes Sona to widen her eyes in surprise, she asks, "Why did you ask about something like that?"

"I don't know, but somehow I have a weird feeling when I am close to Serena, Yusho sensei told me that I might have fallen in love with Serena. But I am not sure if it is true."

Sona sighs and says, "To tell you the truth, I have a crush on someone before the Professor comes to Academia. But after the Professor comes, I haven't have that time to think about it."

"Really? Who is the one you are interested in?" Yuri asks, and Sona says, "Why am I going to tell you? You are just going to tease me about it."

Yuri raises his hands and says, "Calm down, I didn't mean to tease you."

"Yeah." As they get to the dock that leads to Academia, Sona says, "I guess we manage to card every Juvenile Officer in the area, I mean...we couldn't have come here and relaxed because they are nearby. But after seven of the bases are gone, I guess we can relax here without them to stop us."

"You're right. And it makes our saving runaways easier." Yuri says.

"Do you think I will let you relax?" Just then, they turn around and they see a woman in front of them. Yuri and Sona are on their guard and Sona asks, "Who are you?"

"I am one of the Seven Sins, my name is Envy." Envy says. "Sakaki Yuya and Sakaki Yuni have defeated four of us, leaving us with only three members. I could use you two as a bait for my plans."

"As if we are just going to let us become baits..." Yuri says. Sona says, "Yuri, leave this duel to me. I think I have to do this duel."

"Okay, then I'll try to contact the others." Yuri says as he steps aside, typing on his Duel Disk.

"Field Magic: Crossover!" After the Field Magic appears, Envy says, "I see you are the one to duel us...that is if you can defeat us."

"We'll see about that." Sona says as they both yell, "Duel!" (Envy:4000)(Sona:4000)

"I get the first turn, I use Magic Card: Fusion. I fuse my Red Moth and Blue Moth from my hand." Envy says as two monsters go into the Fusion Portal. "Mix those colors Red and Blue! Fusion Summon! Come forth! Level 7! Purple Moth!" (ATK:2100/DEF:1200 LV:7)

After the purple-colored moth appears on the field, Envy says, "I use the Red Moth's effect from my graveyard, I can give you 1000 damage!"

Sona widens her eyes as she gets hit by the flames from the red moth. (Sona:4000-3000)

"As for Blue Moth, it can recover my LP." Envy says as the blue moth pours some water on her to recover the HP. (Envy:4000-5000)

"Not only that, I can add Red Moth and Blue Moth from my deck to my hand." After drawing two cards, he says, "I set one card and end my turn."

Sona says, "I see you are going for effect damage...but it is not going to surprise me. My turn!"

After drawing a card, she says, "I set Scale 2 Cooking Chef: Rice Cooker and Scale 6 Cooking Chef: Cake Decorator on my Pendulum Zone!"

After two chefs holding different kitchen appliances appear on the field, Sona says, "With this, I can summon monsters from Level 3 to 5! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Level 3 Cooking Chef Burger Maker (ATK:1200/DEF:600 LV:3), and then Level 5 Cooking Chef Juice Blender (ATK:2000/DEF:700 LV:5)"

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