Chapter 27 Numbers Fight

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As the ship arrives at Sparda City, Yuya says, "According to the airship, the location of the ruins containing the next Number is here, Sparta City." Astral says.

"But still, this place is destroyed because of Academia...though I was surprised that there is nobody here." Shark says.

"Yeah, maybe because there is nobody here, so that's why Academia members all left this place to Heartland." Rio says. "So what is about this Number and the Barian Emperor of this one?"

"It might be at the Colosseum." Yuni says as they get to the giant place. "In this land, there was a gladiator who won many fights with his fists alone. He had a rival, the country's prince. Both of them fought each other numerous times. Their fighting spirits formed a bond that surpassed their positions."

Yuya says, "The prince and gladiator met for the showdown, but letting the prince lose in front of a large crowd was not allowed. The prince's advisors falsely charged the gladiator for a crime and captured him. The prince pleaded that the gladiator, his rival, was innocent. The advisors refused to listen to him and the gladiator was executed in front of a large crowd."

"That's so cruel..." Vivian says.

"That is about the Legend, but what Tsukumo Yuma found out the truth..." Yuni says. "The gladiator is called Alito. And to tell you the truth, the advisors were actually controlled by the god of Barian, Don Thousand. They want to make sure that Alito dies with hatred so that he could be in the Barian World, giving the god the powers to use. Not only that but the Prince eventually is controlled by Don Thousand, and he permits the execution."

Rio says, "That is quite a story..."

Once they get to the colosseum, they find a Lion Gladiator waiting for them. He says, "Sakaki Yuya, Sakaki Yuni. I have been waiting for you."

"Lion Heart." Yuni nods at the monster. "Good to see you again. You know the reason why we are here."

"If you want to get the Number Card, you'll have to fight me." Lion Heart says. "Unlike Abyss and Mach, I will fight you like the other monsters."

"Okay. This means you have three Overlay units and your Life Points is 4000." Yuya says. Vivian says, "Wait, Brother. Can you have me duel this one?"

"Of course." Yuya says as he gets out of the way. Lion Heart asks, "They who lack a heated fighting spirit shall not absorb my soul! Do you have the heated fighting spirit who loves fighting among your heart?"

"You bet." Vivian says as she activates her Duel Disk. (Vivian:4000)(LH:4000)(ATK:100/DEF:100 RNK:1 OVU:3)

"I'll go with the first turn." Vivian says, "I use Scale 3 Ghost Force Doll Anna and Scale 9 One-eyed Minion to set the Pendulum Scale!"

A doll covered with blood appears as well as the one-eyed monster, they raise to the air and a 3 and a 9 appears under them. "With this, I can summon monsters from Level 4 to Level 7. Pendulum Summon! Come forth! The dragon that conceals in the darkness, reveal yourself and glare at your enemies below! Level 8! Ghost Force: Dimension Stare Dragon!"(ATK:3000/DEF:2500 LV:8 PS:4)

As the monster appears, Vivian says, "I use Magic Card, Ghost Zone, which prevents my monsters from going to the graveyard, and I end my turn."

Lion Heart says, "If you think you can just beat me with monsters with high ATK, then you're wrong."

Just then, it punches at Dimension Stare Dragon, and Vivian says, "What? But my ATK is higher!"

"Using Numbers 54's effect...this face-up Attack Position card cannot be destroyed by battle. When it takes battle damage from battles involving this card, the battle damage is also inflicted on its opponent."

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