Chapter 4 Revelations in Xyz

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Night has fallen over Heartland as the Resistance takes the Lancers to their hideout, which turns out to be on top of the mountain.

"We're here. This is our hideout. Thanks to Rumi, she is the one who found this place so Academia wouldn't be able to find us here." Allen says as he points at the place.

It is a rounded building as Yuni says, "That's the Duel Lodge, right? Brother?"

"Yeah...even this is here as well..." Yuya says.

Rumi is inside Yuni and she says, "The only thing that Allen said wrong is that I'm not the one who found this place. Sona was. Just because we looked the same, I guessed it's fine for me."

"I know..." Yuni adds.

Once the Lancers and the Resistance members are inside, a lot of people are surprised to see Mr. and Ms. Kurosaki back. They are being welcomed back by the others as they are glad that they are safe.

"Condor, Aera, is that you?" A man and a boy come to see what the others are happy about. Condor shakes the man's hand and says, "Byron, nice to see you again."

Byron says, "What happened to you? You two went missing and we were worried something bad happen to you."

Aera says, "Something happened and we got to another dimension. We can explain later since we have new comrades that we need to welcome."

Vivian asks, "Sister Katrina, who are they?"

Katrina says, "This is Dr. Byron Arclight, he is Michael and Thomas' father and also one of Dad's friends. Chris is Michael and Thomas' elder brother, he didn't duel often, so he was helping with creating our cards."

Astral says, "To think they have also revived... and this is what Dr. Arclight looks like when he wasn't Tron..."

"Tron? What do you mean by that?" Rumi asks.

Yuni says, "That is another story to tell."

Byron says, "You three must be Sakaki Yusho's children who left back at the Standard Dimension, right, it is nice to meet you."

As Yuya shakes his hands with him, Chris says, "I heard everything from my brothers. To be able to defeat Kaito, Thomas, and Shark is no small feet. It is nice to have someone as strong as you in the resistance."

Yuni says, "Thanks, I guess."

They sit on mats around an earth square as Allen and Sayaka are helping to introduce the members, then Sayaka and Ruri go to help out by giving food to the Resistance.

Allen says, "Hey, Sayaka, Ruri! You aren't on duty tonight, so don't push yourself!"

Ruri shakes her head and says, "It is fine, at least let me make up for the times when I was gone."

Rio says, "It won't do any good if you overwork yourself helping people. We don't know when our fight with Academia could start up again... Especially you, Sayaka. I'm always telling you to be more concerned about yourself, aren't I?"

"Yes, I know..." Sayaka hesitantly agrees and then he turns to hand a man his rations.

Michael says, "Sorry, Sayaka's really shy. It's not that she dislikes you guys or anything."

Sawatari gulps his drink and says, "You're quite welcoming on the other hand though. You just met me today and you already have the nerve to speak to me so informally..."

Gongenzaka grabs his head and says, "Cut it out."

As Sawatari struggles in Gong's headlock, Vivian notices the family that they've tried to protect. "Those people..."

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