Chapter 53 Spiders for Finale Part 2

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As Numbers 77 is about to attack Vivian, Reiji quickly pushes Vivian out of the way, but they both get damaged as they roll on the ground. (Vivian+Reiji:6900-2900)

"Vivian!" "Reiji!" Everyone yells as they are concerned for their friends, but luckily, they are still struggling to stand up, and Vivian asks, "Why did you do this...Reiji..."

"You are also a member of Lancers and our comrade, I can't let you get hurt." Reiji says as Vivian feels a little touched.

"How amusing...but yet, I wonder how long will it last for your kind heart. I set one card and end my turn." Gluttony says.

Vivian turns to Reiji and says, "Thank you...Reiji...for trying to protect me from the blast."

"No problem...but we have taken 4000 damage..." Reiji says as he adjusts his glasses. "We don't need to worry about Special Summon any monsters, but then again, in his next turn, he is still capable of doing that effect once again to banish all our monsters..."

"That is something we need to worry about..." Vivian says as she draws a card. "I use Treasure Cards from the Heavens, I send one card to the graveyard to draw two cards."

After drawing a card, she says, "I use Doll Anna's effect, I send all two cards to my graveyard."

After sending two cards to the graveyard, Vivian says, "I Pendulum Summon! Return from my Extra Deck! Dimension Stare Dragon! (ATK:3000/DEF:2500 LV:8)

After the monster appears, she says, "Reiji, do you trust me?"

Reiji nods, and Vivian says, "I activate a Magic Card from my Graveyard, Splitting the Ghosts! I can banish this card to perform a Dark Split Summon!"

"As you activated a Magic Card, Pain Gainer's effect activates!" (Vivian+Reiji:2900-2300)

After taking the hit, Vivian says, "I Dark Split my Dimension Stare Dragon! Dragon that covers with blood, appear and stain your blood to your enemies! Dark Split Summon! Come forth! Level -8! Ghost Force Dimension Blood Stream Dragon!" (ATK:3000/ DEF:2500 LV:-8)

"She just summoned two Dragons at one turn..." Sora gasps.

"Now she might be possible to win." Satoshi says.

"I use Blood Stream Dragon's effect! By negating one's Attack, I can double its ATK until the end of the turn. (ATK:3000-6000)

"6000 ATK! It's higher than Seven Sins!" Yuni says.

"Now battle! I attack the Seven Sins with Blood Stream Dragon! Bloody Waterfall!" Vivian yells.

As the dragon causes a stream full of blood, it starts to cover everyone with the giant gush.

After the wave dies down, Gluttony and Sloth are taking damage, but Seven Sins is still on the field. (Gluttony+Sloth:5000-3000) Not only that, everyone who is trapped in the webs is freed as the blood washes them away.

"No way..." Sloth says. "The blood just washed away the webs like that..."

"Now they are freed and covered with blood, you won't be able to confine them anymore." Reiji says as he nods at the others, who rush away to find the survivors.

"Damn dare you...we had a hard time setting up those traps..." Sloth yells.

"You mean I had a hard time. You were being lazy as you didn't help me out." Gluttony retorts, and Sloth shrugs, "Whatever."

Vivian says, "I end my turn. Now, what are you going to do about it?"

Sloth says, "You really have some nerves. My turn!" She draws a card and says, "I detach one Overlay Unit from Pain Gainer, so it destroys Monsters whose DEF are lowered than Pain Gainer! Painful Destruction!"

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