Chapter 26 A Duel in the Ruins

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Once they get back to the Security Building, Yuya, Yuni, Katrina, Vivian, Yuzu, and Reisho are sitting in the meeting room with Reiji and Reira. Since this is a private meeting and Reiji and Reira have the right to know this.

Reiji says, "So there are four figures in your dreams and they might play a part in the whole Zarc destroying the world and now my father doing something sinister."

"That's right. The only one we know is Supreme King, after its defeat in the Original Dimension, it somehow gets into Yuni and Yuzu's bodies. I think if Zarnie didn't push me out of the way back then, I might have one inside me as well." Reisho says.

"But we have some information with the three of them." Vivian says. "There is one of them reviving Number 96 Black Mist to take away 58 of Yuni's Number Cards, Even though she got 17 cards back. But we think that whoever asks Black Mist to do that is trying to waste our time."

"Not to mention that this mysterious person is also the one that teaches Akaba Leo to do something like carding people for energies." Katrina says.

Reisho says, "The second one is also unknown, but when we were analyzing Sergey, we found that this person might be the one who taught Roget how to remodel the Tops."

Yuzu says, "The final one I am not sure, but all I know is that when Mom and I dueled a person who was controlled by a mask, I can feel that person."

Yuya and Yuni look at each other and Yuya says, "So gather everything we got, we find that they might have related to Darkness from Yuki Judai's timeline, Z-one from Fudo Yusei's Timeline, and Don Thousand from Tsukumo Yuma's Timeline."

Yuni says, "Or maybe they are something sinister...but regardless, we need to be careful of everything."

Reiji says, "So these 4 figures are the ones that we need to worry about, right?"

"Yes." Yuya nods. "We need to be worried about them."

"I see. Right now, we should go to Heartland to meet the others." Reiji says as they nod.

Once Yugo and the others are back, they all head to Heartland. they are now inside the Different Dimension Airship. "So we are in Heartland?" Reiji asks.

"Yes." Yuya says. "Right now I will take you to others."

As they leave the airship and go towards the Heartland base, the Lancers are happy to see the others back.

"Akaba Reiji, you have finally returned." Sawatari says.

"Indeed, the man Gongenzaka is worried about you."

Jean also reunited with Ron and the other Resistance members join in, as for the Synchro Dimension citizens, they are happy to have the others back.

Yusho asks, "So you built another teleport device, and this time it is linked to Synchro Dimension?"

"Yes, Dad." Yuya says. "And we also brought some reinforcements to defeat Academia."

"I see." Yusho says as he goes to greet Reiji.

Reira is a little scared to see a lot of people, she hides behind Reisho. Reisho says, "Reira, don't worry, they are nice people, you don't need to worry."

Sarah asks, "So Reisho, is this Reira you have told me about?"

"Yes, Mother." Reisho says with a smile. "Reira, this is my birth mother."

Reira nods as Sarah hugs her, and she calms down a little. "She looks nice, but what happened to her?"

Yuzu says, "Mom, she was adopted from the war, so she was a little scared."

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