Chapter 14 A Brother's Will

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In Yuzu's room, Yuzu and Ray are now alone as Yuzu asks Ray, "Ray, I want to ask you something."

"Sure, what's wrong?" Ray asks.

"How did you and Zarc be together?" Yuzu asks, which causes her to cough.

"Sorry about that. I am surprised." Ray asks. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, I just talked to Mom and Ryu, I notice my feelings for Yuya. But I am nervous, so I want to know how did you make it through." Yuzu says.

"I see. You will indeed be afraid that he rejects you or like my mom suffered." Ray says. "Thanks to my dad and Yuya's dad, we have often played together since childhood. During your age, I had the same question just like you."

Yuzu listens carefully as she says, "It is not until the time I got a cold, and I passed out in PE class. Zarc is the one who carries me there since Zarine and Reisho are not available. Seeing how much he cares about me, I decided to confess my feelings at that time to him. I was afraid that after I told him that I love him, he would leave me. But he stayed with me, and I am touched about it."

"Ehh... That sounds so nice..." Yuzu says.

"Yuzu. Even though I am inside your body, I know Yuya as much as you do. He cares greatly about you. You just need to find a chance and then confess. I am sure that he will return the feelings." Ray says.

"Okay. I'll try once the war ends...or maybe after they return from the bases." Yuzu says as Ray smiles at her. "No need to worry, you have me by your side."

"Thanks." Yuzu says as she holds the Silver Pendant.

Inside the base, there are still more Academia members who are trying to stop them, but they beat them with ease. Katrina says, "I think there are no more students that are going to stop us."

"Yeah, we just need to go into the Commander's Room." Reisho says as they start to find the room.

Yuni and her friends fight through the interior of the bases, eventually, they get to the Control Room. Michael says, "Seriously, they are very good if they manage to make this AI stuff."

Yuni says, "But still, they still are programmed by the scientists there."

"Speaking of AI," Zarine says, "Do you know about AIs which have consciousness?"

"Huh? AI with consciousness?" Katrina asks. "Is that possible?"

Reisho says, "You might not believe us, but our 8 dragons were given by the AIs who have consciousness. There are six of them and each one is based on a type of duel monsters."

Yuni says, "Eh...that did happen back in the Original World?"

Zarine says, "Yes. At first, they don't trust us, humans, so we have to duel them. In the end, we decide to work together and they all live in the Duel Monsters World."

"But how did you get into the Duel Monsters' world?" Yuni asks.

"That is another story to tell. Right now we finally arrive." Zarine says as they see the darkness.

They step forward and they can only see nothing. "Welcome, Lancers." They hear a voice as the lights start to turn on. They see a blue-haired man with a black jacket in front of them.

"No way..." Yuni gasps as well as Yuya. Gongenzaka says, "You know him?"

"If Sona is the second duelist who doesn't have any lost records in school...this guy is the first one. And his name is Hell Kaiser...Marufuji Ryo." Then they can feel him staring at them just like Jack did.

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