Chapter 24 Dinosaur Vs Fossils

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For the third base, Yuya is the one leading as Yuni and Reisho are left behind as they are trying to fix Sergey. After a while, the Academia soldiers who are guarding the door are now defeated as Yuya says, "So that is all of them."

Yuzu is also on the sidelines with Sarah by her side. Yuzu says, "Yeah. Now we are going to face the boss..." Yuzu starts to tremble a little, but Yuya holds her hand, causing her to relax a little.

Once they enter the room, they see a person wearing a cowboy outfit with one of the eyes covered, and beside him is a cage with a crocodile inside.

"Jim Crocodile Cook?" Johan is shocked to see him being the commander. "And Karen as well..."

"You know him?" Sarah asks her student.

"Yes, he is a transfer student like me...but why? We tried to escape Academia together..." Johan says.

"Not to mention...why is Karen inside the cage?" Hana asks.

Yuya sees the Parasite in the only eye and says, "The Parasite. It must have controlled him just like Manjome."

"Then we must save him." Vivian says.

"And I won't let you get away this easily." Jim says as he activates his duel disk. Karen opens her eyes and sees them, then she howls in agony and Katrina says, "You said that it was Karen?"

"Yes, from the looks of it, she didn't get controlled, but she was beaten up..." Johan says.

"How about you let me duel?" They see Lisa standing in front of them, Shun asks, "Are you sure Lisa? You are going to do this?"

Lisa says, "I may not know what happened when this war happened, but for the sake of Heartland, I have to battle as well."

The others nod as Yuya says, "We are counting on you, Lisa."

"Don't worry." Lisa says as she activates her duel disk, which also activates the Action Field. Karen then tosses something to Lisa, Lisa picks it up and says, "What is this?"

"The eye of Orichalcum!" Yuya says, "We can maybe defeat him using this as well."

"Then I'll keep it for now. I hope it will help me with this..." Lisa mutters as she puts it inside her pocket.

"I'll go first. I summon Shell Knight." (ATK:0/DEF:2000 LV:4) As the monster appears, then he says, "I use its effect, I can give you 500 damage."

Lisa braces for the attack as the shells pierce through her skin. (Lisa:4000-3500) "I set one card and end my turn."

Lisa says, "I can't underestimate him...My turn!" She draws a card and says, "I use Field Magic: Musical Dino Land, with this card, I can summon a Musidino Monster from my deck to the field. I summon Musidino: Runaway Fa!" (ATK:2100/DEF:1500 LV:5)

As the green-colored dinosaur appears, she says, "I use its effect, I can give piercing damage." She then grabs an Action Card and says, "Action Magic: Extreme Sword! I let my monster gain 1000 ATK."(2100-3100)

"Battle! I attack your monster with Runaway Fa!" Lisa yells as the monster rushes with speed and gives a kick to the soldier, causing it to break. (Jim:4000-2900) "I set one card and end my turn."

Back with the others, Yuzu asks, "So does Jim appear back in the Original World?"

"Yes, he has." Mark says. "In fact, he was also a victim of the Supreme King back then..."

"He was?" Johan says, "You told us that two people were sacrificed to return Yuki Judai to normal, are you implying that he is one of the two?"

Yuya says, "It seems so."

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