Chapter 7 Fighting for Friendship

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Nighttime has come as everyone is sleeping in both Fusion and Xyz Dimension. But suddenly, the 10 Pendants are glowing as the ten holders start to struggle in their sleep.

"What is going on here?" Yuzu sees that she is wandering inside a room with nothingness. She is scared. Just then, she sees 4 figures in front of them, their bodies are obscured, but they are walking toward her.

"Who are you guys?" Yuzu asks as she steps back a little in fear. Yuya and Yuni also appear beside her and she is surprised to see them.

"Yuya? Yuni?" Yuzu says in surprise, but then much to her surprise, one of the four figures suddenly splits into 3 ghostly figures, and then they start to fly towards them. Just then, one of the spirits flies into Yuya, causing him to groan in pain.

"Yuya!" Yuzu yells, and then the second spirit tries to get into Yuni, then she starts screaming in pain.

"Run...Yuzu!" Yuya says as Yuzu can see his eyes start to glowing, the same goes for Yuni. Yuzu tries to run, but the third and final spirit comes and he says, "Embrace your darkness..." Then it tries to go into Yuzu's body as she starts to feel pain.

"Help!" Yuzu bolts awake as she sits up on her bed. Her breathing is fast and a little loud. Sarah and Ryu, who are in the same room, rub their eyes as they hear Yuzu's screaming and her quick breathing. Sarah asks, "Yuzu, what's wrong?"

Yuzu then notices that Yuya and Yuni aren't by their side, and then she sighs in relief. She says, "Mom, Brother...sorry...I had a nightmare, that was all..."

Ryu notices that Yuzu's face is pale and sweat is covering her forehead, he asks, "Are you sure you are fine? You're breathing hastily."

"Don't worry. We all have Nightmares sometimes." Yuzu says.

Sarah hugs her and says, "Yuzu, if you have a nightmare again, try to think of happy times, it will give you the strength to overcome it."

"Okay, mom." Yuzu says as they go back to sleep.

On the next day, Asuka, Kezan, Johan, Satoshi, Sona, Sora, Yuri, and Rei are already preparing for the teaching in the meeting room. Johan is helping to prepare the Duel Disks, but he looks sleepy and the Duel Disks almost fall from his hands. Luckily Sona grabs them before they drop onto the floor and break.

"Johan, be careful, these Duel Disks aren't cheap." Sona says.

"I know..." Then Johan yawns. Asuka asks, "Johan, you looked really tired, are you okay?"

Johan says, "Well, I just had a nightmare last night, it is not a big deal..."

"I see..." Rei says. "Do you want some rest?"

"No thank you, right now Academia is a threat and there is no time to rest." Johan says.

"Good morning..." Ruka, Rua, Aki and Kiryu also walk in. Rua and Ruka are looking sleepy. Aki says, "Ruka, Rua, it is unusual for you to be like this."

"We had a nightmare and we couldn't sleep." Rua says.

"Wait, you two had a nightmare as well?" Kanzan asks.

"What do you mean?" Kiryu asks, then he sees Johan doing the same. "Oh."

Yusho, Sarah, Mark, Hana, Ryu, and Yuzu also walk into the room as Yuzu looks like she is about to collapse. Sora asks, "What happened to Yuzu?"

Ryu says, "She had a nightmare when we woke up, she was breathing quite heavily as well."

"Really, even Yuzu has a nightmare as well? If this is a joke then it sure is funny..." Sona says.

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