Chapter 44 The Sun Shines in the Cloud

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The group is now at the seventh base, the base where Amon is at. After defeating Academia members outside, they see Amon standing in front of them as he is not inside the base.

"So you've all have come. After all, six of our bases have fallen from your hands, you will come here and take over our base as well."

Yuni says, "Amon, didn't you get it? Because of Academia's so-called invasion, a lot of people have lost everything, their families, their freedom, and even their lives! Don't you get it? What you are doing is not right!"

"Everything is for our goal, to unite all four dimensions. In that way, everyone can live in peace that they wanted." Amon says.

"That doesn't give you the right to sacrifice a lot of people for that." Reisho says, and Amon turns to him. "Akaba Reisho. You are the Professor's Son. You followed your father since you step foot in Academia, but then you choose to betray him. What is the meaning of this?"

Reisho says, "I can't see any utopia be made through bringing destruction and fear to innocent people. Not to mention, you say that he is my father, but to me, that relationship has already gone ever since he chooses something over our parental relationship."

Yuni says, "That is enough talking. If you're not going to listen to the reason, then all we need is to duel you to force you to open your eyes."

Reisho says, "Wait, Yuni." Yuni stops as she looks at Reisho in confusion. "I'll take this duel, if you don't mind. You aren't recovered from the last battle against Cody and Evan, right?"

"Okay...then you'll take this duel for me." Yuni says as she goes to help others. Amon says, "So the Professor's Son is going to duel me, interesting."

After activating the Duel Disks, the Field Magic appears and they both yell, "Duel!" (Reisho:4000)(Amon:4000)

"I'll get the first turn." Amon says, "I use Field Magic: Cloudian Paradise!"

As the field with clouds appear, Reisho looks around and says, "Clouds, huh?"

"I summon Cloudian Poison Cloud from my hand!" Amon says as he summons the red cloud monster. (ATK:0/DEF:1000 LV:3)

"I set two cards and end my turn." Amon says.

Reisho says, "ATK 0 monster...something is definitely not right with this. My turn!" After drawing a card, he says, "I set Scale 5 Solar Warrior Makemake and Scale 9 Oort on the Pendulum Scale!"

After two monsters rise into the air, Reisho says, "With this, I can summon Monsters from Level 6 to Level 8! Sway! Pendulum of my soul, Become an Arc and show us the future! Pendulum Summon! Come Forth! Solar Warrior Dragon: Nature Earth! (ATK:2500/DEF:2000 LV:8 PS:4)

After the Dragon that has blue and green colors appears, Reisho says, "Battle! I attack your Poison Cloud with Nature Earth! Nature is Beauty!"

After the monster is sent to the graveyard, Amon says, "I use its effect. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard, I can destroy the monster that destroyed it and give you 800 damage!"

The poison clouds then surround Reisho as it has a hard time breathing. (Reisho:4000-3200) "I set two cards and end my turn."

Amon says, "My turn." After drawing the card, Amon says, "I use Fusion! I fuse Cloudian Eye of the Typhoon and Cloudian Altus in my hand! Form a raging storm! Fusion Summon! LV:10 Cloudian Storm of the Sea!" (ATK:3000/DEF:3000 LV:10)

As the Level 10 Cloudian monster that looks like a giant typhoon appears, Amon says, "I use two materials to summon this monster, so I add two Fog counters. But with the effect of Cloudian Paradise, I can add another counter to my monster."

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