Chapter 9 Fighting Between The Rubble

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During the whole afternoon, Yusho and Sarah show some people the students of You Show Duel School, as well as reunite with Yuri and Sona as well as the others. Yuya and Yuni also show their Entertainment Duels to the students, making them in awe.

That night, Yuya, Yuni, Katrina, Vivian, Yuzu, and Reisho are now inside the ship. Yuni is typing on the computer as it shows 8 signals. Yuni says, "Reisho, so these are the locations of the bases?"

"Yes. 8 of them. As Yuri and Sona said, some commanders are controlled by parasites inside their brains, while some of them are still loyal to the Professor." Reisho says.

"If that is the case, we should save them for their sake as well as show them Academia's teachings are wrong." Yuya says.

"I agree." Vivian says. "But first, we need to know who the leaders are, first, so we can duel them."

"We'll do that tomorrow. The last thing we want is that one of us to collapse in the middle of the duel." Yuni says as she turns off the computer.

"Sure." Reisho says as they leave the ship and get some rest.

In the ruins of Heartland, a purple domed base has been set up, and a thin man in robes paces back and forth as he is worried.

"Ah! It's getting late! It's getting late! It's getting late! According to my calculations, the progress of the Arc Area Project in the Xyz Dimension has fallen behind the schedule by 3 days, 18 hours, 43 minutes, and 58 seconds! And look! Now it's turned to 44 minutes!"

He gasps and says, "At this rate, the Professor is going to scold me for this! We have to turn all the residents into cards as soon as possible!"

He yells at all of his nervous subordinates and asks, "You got that?! You, you, and you as well!"

"Yes, sir!" The subordinates say.

"Good grief...and while I'm losing my mind here, the Commander-in-Chief who was supposed to take my charge is absent today as well! Where the hell did he go!" He yells.

At the same time, outside in the ruins, a man in a large grey cloak is walking, until a man with a cyan-colored cloak approaches him.

"What are you doing here?" The grey one asks.

"To see if you are going to find him again." The cyan one says.

The grey cloaked figure says, "Yeah...this time I am going to show him that the Professor is right..." He holds tight to the half-torn Smile World card. "Did you find any Resistance members?"

The cyan one says, "From what I heard, they somehow got reinforced from the Standard Dimension."

"Standard Dimension?" The cloaked figure grunts, "If that is the case: since he is from Standard...maybe he is back..." Then he walks away.

"Wait." The grey-cloaked figure stops his feet. "Let me go with you."

"Fine, but don't get in my way." Then the two set off.

In the base, everyone is having breakfast, and the Resistance members are getting along with some You Show students, much to their relief. Johan, Rio, and Shark sit along with Yuya and his siblings. Astral and Enna are watching them.

"So, Enna, when did you come to this world?" Astral asks.

"I just come not long ago, since Eliphas senses an upcoming danger up ahead." Enna says.

"What kind of danger?" Astral asks.

"We don't know yet. Ever since you rewrite the Barian World, we didn't have this kind of danger before." Enna says. "The only thing that Eliphas knows, is that it is associated with the destruction that the Supreme King inside Zarc made."

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