Chapter 50 Victory is near

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"Since the Tyler Sisters and even Commander-in-Chief Edo were defeated, it can't be helped." Noro says. "In that case, I, Noro Mamoru, will step in and exterminate the Lancers as according to the Professor's orders!"

As Yuya, Yuni, and Reisho are glaring at Noro, he says, "Prepare yourself, Sakaki Yuya, Sakaki Yuni, Akaba Reisho. When I order the entire army to attack you simultaneously, you'll be instantly crushed!"

"This blockhead doesn't even know how to duel." Gloria says.

"You can't just attack simultaneously." Grace adds.

"Don't be a fool. I didn't mean simultaneous attacks literally. I meant to do it enthusiastically." Noro retorts. "Go, Academia's army!"

Yuni says, "Even though we can beat them, we are outnumbered..."

Yuya says, "What are we going to do now?"

Just then, Edo steps in front of the four people and says, "Ever since my Duel against Yuni, I finally understand. Their father was right all along!"

"Edo..." Yuni and Yuya are smiling, and Edo nods at them.

"As Sakaki Yusho said, Dueling is supposed to bring smiles to everyone. It's not a tool for fighting. You who saw it must feel the same way."

Grace says, "Well, he's right."

"W-What's is this stupidity?" Noro yells.

"Open your eyes, Noro! We only gave fear to the Xyz Dimension, who were living with peace and stole their smiles. It's an obvious mistake." Edo says.

"Even though you're the Commander-in-Chief, you're condemning the Arc Area Project?" Noro asks. "You're betraying the Professor!"

"I know. Even I will walk the path I believe is right. For that then..." Edo discarded the cloak that was the symbol of the Professor's trust in him, abandoning his post as Commander-in-Chief of Academia.

"I will gladly bear the name of a traitor." Edo says, and it causes the others to be surprised.

"The cloak he got from the Professor was proof he was the main Commander-in-Chief!" Gloria says.

"He's seriously betraying Academia? That's actually pretty cool!" Grace says.

"What did you say? You're going to leave us and be the Lancers' ally?" Gloria asks.

"More like, Yuya and Yuni's ally." Grace says.

"S-shut up." Gloria says.

"Oh? But wasn't Gloria enthralled with Yuya and Yuni's Entertainment Dueling?" Grace asks.

"G-Grace..." Gloria is now blushing in embarrassment, and Grace says, "Admit it, sister. We're on their side now!"

As the others are also surprised that even the Tyler Sisters are betraying Academia, and Yuya says, "Thank you, everyone. With all of us working together, we can bring smiles back to the Xyz Dimension."

As the others nod. Edo says, "We'll return all the smiles to Heartland. We'll devote the rest of our lives to this job."

"That's impossible. You're going to be destroyed right now." Noro yells. "Since Edo betrayed us, I am now officially the Commander-in-Chief of the Xyz Dimension Expeditionary army! Get them! Academia's army!"

"Hey, aren't you forgetting someone?" Just then, they see that Sarah and Yusho standing in front of them.

"Dad!" "Mom!" Yuni and Reisho exclaim with delight. And Edo is also surprised to see Yusho in front of him along with Sarah sensei.

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