Chapter 20 Parental Love

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With the second base completed, the Resistance is expanding their territory back to normal. And for Manjome, he finally met Sawatari, who saved him back then, but for a while, they begin to quarrel about which family has the strongest authority and the others are forced to break them up.

Vivian says, "I never thought that it would be like this..."

Yuya says, "Well, some of the people sure have some same is like that they are long-lost siblings or else."

Reisho says, "You know...though these four dimensions are remade, it is quite strange to see a lot of Characters of the past in the same timeline and the same place."

Mark says, "I know what you mean. It is quite surprising as well."

Yuya asks Katrina, "By the way, where is Yuni?"

"She is still working on Sergey and trying to contact Reiji." Katrina replies. "She has been busy during these days."

"It is true, but she should have let us help her." Yuya says as they go towards the Different Dimension Ship.

At the same time, Yuni asks, "Burno, how is the transportation in the Synchro Dimension and the Standard Dimension?"

Burno says. "We can only make it to either of those dimensions, but we can't get back unless we set up the transportation at that dimension. And this is why we can go between Fusion and Xyz, but not the other two."

Yuni nods and says, "Then Bruno, I'll go there. You stay here and monitor everything."

Bruno nods and then Yuya, Yuzu, Katrina, Vivian, Mark, Hana, and Reisho are inside the plane, Hana asks, "What are you planning?"

"We have finished the dimensional transport device, but it is only a one-way ticket to Synchro or Standard. If I want to bring Reiji and the others here, we still need to create a transport device in that specific place." Yuni sighs and says, "And I am going. Since I know how to make one."

Yuzu asks, "But you alone? Why don't you bring one of us as well?"

Bruno asks, "The chances of failure are high, the transport from Fusion to Xyz is a success because of luck. We don't know if we have the same luck for this mission."

Vivian says, "I guess it makes sense. But still, we should work together on this as well. The more help you get, the higher your chances to succeed."

Yuni smiles and says, "Thanks, guys. We really need some help. Now please follow my instructions so that we can do this."

Back at the Heartland bases, Jean asks, "By the way, we haven't seen Yuya and the others for a day."

"You are right, what are they doing now?" Rumi says in confusion.

"Well, I heard that they are in the airship." Johan says.

"Again?" Rio says. "What are they doing now?"

Yuto says, "I heard that they are trying to make a transportation to Synchro and Standard Dimension since we have a transport device that goes from Fusion to Xyz."

"Why Synchro and Standard?" Kaito asks.

Jean says, "I assume that they kinda miss their homes, and then they also need to bring the Lancers here to fight back Academia's force. After the conquer of two bases, the news must have gone to the Professor himself, no doubt that he will try to send some reinforcements or even enhance the strength of their bases."

"I guess it makes sense." Shun says. "The people in Synchro Dimension are also strong."

"Yeah..." Lisa says. "They all work together to defeat Academia's invasion as well as Security."

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