Chapter 30 The First Missing Friend

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The next day after the duel with O'Brien, Academia members are welcoming him to join the team, and for the Resistance, they all decide to forgive the person in front of them for the things he had done with the Resistance.

Yuni, Yuya, Yuzu, Reisho, Mark, and Hana are now at Fusion Dimension's You Show Duel School, they are talking as Mark asks, "So guys, what's up?"

"You see, we were from the Original Dimension or part of. But I was wondering about the other people." Yuni says.

"What do you mean?" Hana asks.

Yuzu says, "Ever since I fought Fubuki and Dennis with Mom...Ray has been thinking of a person named Victoria. Do you know someone named Victoria?"

This causes everyone to widen their eyes, and Mark says, "Victoria? Of course, we remember her! She is our friend...but she disappeared and we didn't know if she is still alive or not."

Yuya says, "But why would Ray think of Victoria?"

"Victoria is using the Clear Deck, which is passed down by her family." Reisho says, and it causes Yuya and Yuni to widen their eyes, as Clear Deck belonged to Fujiwara Yusuke, who was related to Darkness.

"So if we can find this Victoria, then we can have the answers that we need, right?" Yuni asks, and Hana says, "I think I might have an idea where she might be. But it is risky."

"Why?" Mark asks, and Hana says, "That place is Academia's Abandoned Dorm...and it is in Academia."

"I don't think it will be a problem for us, Full Clear can make us invisible." Yuni says, and then they decide to go there to see if Victoria is still alive.

Once they get to Academia, Yuzu is uncertain and she asks, "Are you sure that the Professor won't detect us?"

"Don't worry, no one will ever dare to go inside this place, and also, with 4 bases being destroyed, father won't be caring about us for now." Reisho says.

After arriving at the place, Yuni says, "So this is the Abandoned Dorm...what if those creepy things that devour people are inside?"

"Don't worry, I don't think there is anyone inside rather than the one who we are looking for." Mark says as they walk inside the dorm.

After walking inside the dorm, Yuzu's eyes are shut and she holds Yuya's arms tightly as they move forward.

"Yuzu, there aren't any ghosts inside, you don't need to worry." Hana sighs, Ray was probably the timid one out of them.

"But this place gives me creeps." Yuzu says as they finally reach the room, as Yuya opens the door, a bright light covers them as they are forced to close their eyes.

After the light dies down, they can see nothing but a crystal in the sky. They are standing on the clouds as if they aren't falling.

"Clear World..." Reisho mutters a little. Then they see a person's figure in front of them. "Who are you, leave now."

"Honest..." Yuya mutters. "Honest, we are not here for a fight!"

"And why should I believe you?" Honest says as he shoots some feathers. Yuya then takes out the card. "Odd-Eyes!"

As the dragon protects them, they hear a voice. "Honest! Stop!"

Honest turnaround and face the girl, who is wearing an outfit that looks similar to Asuka's, but with a grey collar instead of Blue.

"Lady Victoria... I am sorry." Then Honest steps aside. The said girl sees them and says, "Only one person can use Odd-Eyes...Zarc, is that you?"

Yuya nods as the girl turns around, "Then you five must be Zarine, Ray, Mark, Hana, and Reisho? Finally, I thought I couldn't meet you forever..." The girl starts to tear up as she hugs them.

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