Chapter 49 Last Laugh

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"If I may object, Commander, we were ordered personally by the Professor to deal with the Lancers-" Gloria tries to interject, but Edo says, "Silent."

The Tyler sisters are annoyed by the dismissal, and Grace protests, "Hey! Hold on a second! Yuya and Yuni's Entertainment Dueling won't be exciting unless they duel us!"

"Yuya and Yuni?" Edo looks at the two and he says, "I see...Sakaki Yuya and Sakaki Yuni."

'Were you even listening?" Grace yells, but Mamoru Noro replies, "Hey, you! Quit your constant badgering!"

He turns to Edo and says, "For the Commander-in-Chief to deal with these measly Lancers personally...don't you think that's a bit excessive?"

Edo shoots him a look, and Noro quickly protests, "I mean you don't need to dirty your hands, Commander, just let us handle it! Please leave it to me, I will capture the Lancers myself..."

"I will be talking to you later." Edo says, and Noro freezes up.

"I don't need your assistance." Edo says. "Just stand back and watch."

Then he activates the Duel Disk, and Noro just scowls, "He must have found out that I requested for the Professor to send Duelists to deal with the Lancers..."

At the same time, the Sakaki Siblings and the Kurosaki family are trying to wake up Kurosaki Shun, and Katrina asks, "Shun! Please wake up!"

"It's no was just like the time when we dueled together..." Yuni says.

"For now, we should take him back to the base." Reiji and Reisho also come and he says.

But just as everyone nods, suddenly, a Duel Anchor appears and it attaches to Yuni's Duel Disk. "What?"

"Field Magic: Crossover!" Just as the Field Magic appears, Sakaki Yuni is also being dragged by the anchor.

"Yuni!" Yuya and Reisho yell in worry, and Yuni just runs towards the one who throws the anchor. She asks, "What are you doing?"

And then, a steel mesh cage rises from the ground and surrounds Yuni and Edo. Edo says, "I activated the Field Magic: Wire Mesh - Chain Deathmatch, this way, no one will interfere with our Duel."

"Edo Phoenix...the final commander-in-chief in this Heartland..." Yuni mutters.

"Sakaki Yuni, today is the day we settle this!" Edo says.

"Wait for just a second, I have no intentions to take part in this Duel!" Yuni says.

"It's no use, Yuni." Astral says.

"I agree with Astral, Yuni. He has made a big deal to trap you here and even use the Duel Anchor, not to mention he is the final enemy in Heartland that we need to face."

At the same time, Yuya and Reisho jump onto the platforms and they see Yuni is forced to duel with Edo. Yuya says, "Yuni is in trouble..."

The Academia students close in and activate their Duel Disks, and Mamoru smugly thinks, "I won't let Edo take all of the glory."

"And looks like we're in even more trouble." Reisho says.

Kaito is the one that steps forward and he says, "Leave this Duel to me. I'll take care of the fodder."

Yuni thinks for a second and then she says, "Okay, Edo Phoenix. I accept the Duel!" Then she also activates her Duel Disk.

"Duel!" (Yuni:4000)(Edo:4000)

"I'll be going first! I summon Destiny HERO - Decisionguy from my hand!" (ATK:1600/DEF:1000 LV:4)

After summoning the monster, Edo mutters as he looks at the torn card, "I will prove it in this Duel...that Academia's Dueling and the Professor's teachings are right! For that, I must win against Sakaki Yusho's daughter!"

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