Chapter 23 A Sea of Troubles

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In the Different Dimension Airship, Yuya and Yuni are observing the Number Cards in their hands. Yuya says, "Yuni, what are you thinking?"

Yuni turns to her brother and says, "I feel like there is some sort of pattern regarding those Numbers."

"What kind of pattern?" Yuya asks, and Yuni sighs, "Did you notice: when we lost all of our Number Monsters before we conquer the first base, the Number Monsters that challenged us are usually the ones with the Number 1 as the unit digit? And after we get our first base, the ones that challenged us are usually the ones with the Number 2...and now, we have the Number 3. What does that mean?"

Yuya says, "How didn't I think of that? Do you think that after we conquer our third base, the ones with the Number 4 will appear, and then they keep going on?"

Yuni says, "But what about Number 9 and Number 0? How are we going to get them back? And more importantly, I feel like the mistress that Numbers 96 told us about might be doing this to waste our time...but why?"

Yuya says, "I don't know, but if we continue this pattern, the next one will be Numbers 73, 33, or 93, right? But are we going to just wait for them to come to us?"

Astral appears and says, "No, we'll just go towards him." Yuya and Yuni turn to Astral and Yuni ask, "What do you mean by that?"

Astral takes them to the control room, and they see a globe with six dots, Yuya says, "Astral, is this..."

"You are right." Astral says, "The Mythyrian Numbers are back to their own ruins, I don't know how, but something tells me that this isn't a coincidence."

"Do you think that this mistress is wasting our time by having us go to the ruins to get the Number Cards back?" Yuni asks, and Astral says, "There is a slight possibility. But so far, from what I have seen from this globe, only one has a Number Monster, and that is the Abyssal Ruins."

"That's the ruins of Numbers 73 and Numbers 94." Yuni says as Astral nods. "We will need to go there."

"But how? Without this ship, there won't be any protection around the Duel Lodge and they might be able to find us!" Yuya says, and Astral presses a button, and then the Sphere Field appears.

"Is this...Sphere Field?" Yuni asks in shock, and Astral says, "Yes, after researching the Barian Sphere Field, I decide to change it so it can protect the others from Academia's assault."

"Okay." Yuya nods, "So we will be moving tomorrow."

Yuni and Astral nod as they head back to the Duel Lodge for some rest.

The next day, Yuya and Yuni are on the ship as they are ready to go, just then, Yuzu, Yuto, Rumi, Ruri, Rio, and Shark also come aboard and Yuya asks, "What are you doing here?"

Yuzu says, "We heard everything from Vivian and Katrina. They told us that you two are going to a place with the Different Dimension Airship."

"We are just worried about you, so we decide to come as well." Yuto says.

"So where exactly are you going?" Rio asks, and Yuya sighs, "We are going to a place known as the Abyssal Ruins. We located that Numbers 73 and 94 are going to be there."

"Why do you think he would be there?" Rumi asks, and Yuni says, "Number 73 and Number 94 are known as Mythyrian Numbers, a kind of Number Monster that records the past life of the Seven Barian Emperors."

"Seven Barian Emperors...wait, isn't Merag one of the Barian Emperors?" Rio asks, and Yuya nods, "Yes, the Mythyrian Number that corresponds with Merag is Numbers 94, Crystal Zero, the Princess of Polar Ice."

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