Chapter 6 Blue-Eyes vs. Red-Eyes

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Once Yusho gets back from the leg treatment, Yuzu tells them what happened when he was missing, about how Yuya and Yuni are the current Vice Presidents of LDS to the adoption of Vivian.

"So Yuni adopted Vivian as her sister..." Yusho smiles. "She fulfills my promise with Kobayashi..."

Yuzu asks, "So the reason you adopted Vivian is because of Mr. Kobayashi?"

Yusho nods and says, "He asks me to take care of her, but all this time, I thought she was dead alongside her father..."

Then she also tells them about how Academia trying to invade their dimension but the Battle Royale of the Championship stops it, and then they go to the Synchro Dimension and the appearance of Dark Singers.

"Dark Signers? They are back?" Yusho is surprised.

"Yeah. In fact, we both were." Mark says as Hana nods. "We wanted to get our revenge back then, but Yuya and Reisho were the ones who saved us."

"I see...It must be very hard for you..." Yusho says.

"Not only that, Vivian is still the Dark Signer even though the king of the netherworld is defeated." Ruka says, which surprises him.

"You mean Vivian still has the Dark Signer Mark?" Yusho asks in surprise.

"Yeah, and because of it, she now has all 10 Earthbound Gods in her possession." Ryu says.

Sarah says, "I see..."

As they tell them about Synchro Dimension and how Yuya and Yuni unite the Tops and Commons, as well as how Katrina and Vivian defeat Roget. They also learn that they save Mr. Kurosaki and Ms. Kurosaki, as well as Lisa from being a Dark Signer. Yusho feels proud as he wanted to reunite with them.

"I now the Synchro Dimension is at peace?" Yusho asks.

"Yes. But we didn't get to watch it because we got teleported..." Ruka says.

"And now Yuya and Yuni are in Xyz, I hope they are fine..." Yuzu says.

"They will be fine." Yusho says. "If Yoko gave them Smile World, then they won't need to worry about the Resistance."

"I hope so." Mark says.

Their moment is interrupted by three students entering the room, one of them is wearing a yellow Academia uniform and covered in bruises.

"What's wrong?!" Asuka asks.

"We are in the middle of escorting this girl here, but we're attacked by Academia Duelists!" A You Show Student says while carrying the injured former female Academia student.

The others are looking at each other, and then they say, "What?!"

At the throne room, the three figures are still sitting in the core as Yami says, "You guys feel it as well, right?"

Itchze says, "Supreme King is nearby...which means either Zarc, Zarnie, or Ray must be in this dimension."

Mistress Thousand asks, "So what are you going to do? We still can't leave until we got all the powers from the carded people..."

Yami says, "Don't worry, my puppet is now nearby, once he captures her, then we can activate the soul inside her... Now Darkness, I am counting on you..."

In the harbor, 5 Academia duelists are now lying on the ground as they are turned into cards. Dennis picks them up and says, "In the end, they are still no match for us."

The other one wears dark clothing and a mask covering his face, Dennis says, "Don't you agree? Fubuki?"

"Indeed. But we also missed a chance to know where their hideout is." Fubuki says.

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