Chapter 13 Thunder Spark Riding Duel

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When Yuni and the others defeat the members of the Academia on the way, they are now approaching the door to the base. Just as they touch the door, electric wires appear and blocks them from getting close to it. Yuni asks, "What the...there is Electricity on the door?"

"This is really bad, the Commander sure doesn't want us to get inside." Reisho says.

"The commander doesn't know a thing about this." They turn around and then see a man riding a D-Wheel-like thing approaching them. Katrina asks, "Who are you?"

"I live in the world of speed, the name is Thunder Spark. I am here to stop you from getting closer." The man says. "Besides, I am pretty sure that you want this, right?"

Everyone widens their eyes as they see Numbers 91 in his hand. "Numbers! How did you get that?" Katrina gasps.

"So you must be the Number Spirit just like Wrath, or the Number 51 that we met earlier..." Astral says.

"Correct. So who are you going to face me?" Thunder Spark says.

"Then I'll be glad to duel you." Yuni says as she prepares her D-Wheel.

"So they are Dueling for a Number Card?" Sawatari asks.

"I guess we should postpone the duel with the Commander now." Reisho says.

Yuni says as they ride their D-Wheels and leave. Rio asks, "Wait, are they seriously riding and dueling at the same time?"

"This is the dueling style in the Synchro Dimension. Riding Duels." Reisho says.

Yuni and Thunder Spark yell in unison, "Duel!" (Yuni:4000)(Thunder Spark:4000)

Thunder Spark gets the first corner, so he goes first. "Here I go! I summon OToThunder." (ATK:1300/DEF:600 LV:4) As a green warrior-like monster appears, he says, "I use its effect, I can have an additional Normal Summon. I summon OKaThunder."(ATK:1400/DEF:700 LV:4)

Then a red female warrior-like monster appears, Yuni says, "Summon two monsters this instant..."

"You are not the only one that can use it like Pendulum Summon. And you will never get past me, I was born of pure speed and I was created from an Electron." Thunder Spark says, "I end my turn."

Yuni looks at the field and then she says, "My turn." She draws a card and then looks at it, she says, "I set one monster face down. And then I set one card and end my turn."

"Oh, you are not using Pendulum Summon...Interesting." Thunder Spark says.

Katrina says, "This style is different from Sister's usual style..."

Reisho says, "I know what you mean. Maybe she doesn't want to use her true skills in this battle because her opponent isn't a commander."

"Now my turn." Thunder Spark says, "I summon ONiThunder."(ATK:900/DEF:400 LV:4) As the monster appears on the field, he says, "When it is Normal Summoned, I can add one Light Attribute and Thunder Type monster from my deck to my hand." As he draws the card, he says, "And then I use OToThunder's effect to summon ONeThunder!" (ATK:900/DEF:400 LV:4)

As the female monster appears, Rio says, "So there is a father, a mother, a brother, and a sister..."

"When I have four monsters on the field, I summon OToNaRiThunder!" (ATK:500/DEF:500 LV:4) As the fifth monster appears, Johan says, "Even the Neighbor? Is he serious?"

"But now he has all 5 Level 4 monsters on the field." Shun says.

"I overlay all my Level 4 OToThunder, OKaThunder, OniThunder, OneThunder, and OToNaRiThunder!" Thunder Spark yells. "Xyz Summon! Appear now! Numbers 91!"

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