Chapter 41 Rebecca and Black Magicians

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"So you let them get away like that? What if they are coming for us again?" Shark asks, can't believe that Yuya and Shun just leave Grace and Gloria as they get to the closest base.

"Sorry, but our priority is healing Allen and Sayaka. Besides, we already stunned them and I don't think they will recover anytime." Yuya says.

"I agree with Brother." Yuni says. "Even though we might have carded a lot of people, in the end, we aren't enjoying it and they might be able to change their minds."

"What matters is that we still have two bases with the Commanders that Yuya and Yuni have faced before." Johan says.

"Edo and Amon..." Katrina says. "We still have a couple of Numbers that we haven't found as well."

"Yeah." Yuni says, "And for the four people in our dreams, we still don't know who is the last one."

Mark asks, "Do we know anyone that might have a clue of who he or she is?"

Yuni says, "I think there is one person who might know about this."

Back in the Standard Dimension, a little girl is wandering around the streets, and she looks at the You Show Duel School, and she says, "Yusho...that's Zarc and Zarnie's father! Perhaps I can find them here..."

As she walks into the school, Shuzo notices her and he asks, "Hello there, what can we help you? Are you here to join the Duel School?"

The girl says, "Hello there, my name is Rebecca. I want to know if Uncle Yusho is here?"

"You know Yusho? But I'm sorry to tell you that he is not here." Shuzo says.

"Is that so...can you tell me where he lives?" Rebecca asks. "Perhaps Aunt Yoko is there as well?"

"If that's the case, I can bring you there if you want." Shuzo says, but he is curious if this girl knows about Yusho and Yoko.

Back at Heartland, Yuni and the others are outside training, until they see a mist surrounding them. Vivian asks, "Where does this mist come from?"

"I don't know...but I think instead of mist, this is much like dust..." Yuni says.

"So you are the ones that Black-mist sama wants to stop us..." Then a woman steps forward as he is the one activating her duel disk.

"Another Number Monster...I see. I'll be the one dueling you." Yuya says as he activates his Duel Disk. "Duel!" (Yuya:4000)(No.57:4000)

"I'll get the first turn." Yuya says. "I summon Radius, the Half-Moon Dragon! (ATK:1400/DEF:1200 LV:4) This card is Special Summoned when my opponent controls an Xyz Monster, and its Levels are doubled."

After the monster becomes Level 8, Yuya says, "When I control a Level 8 Monster, I can special summon Parsec, the Interstellar Dragon!" (ATK:800/DEF:800 LV:8) After the monster appears, Yuni says, "Good, there are 2 Level 8 Monsters."

"I Overlay my Level 8 Radius and Level 8 Parsec!" As the two dragons go into the Overlay Portal, Yuni says, "Xyz Summon! Come forth! Numbers 97: Dragon Shadow God - Dragravion!" (ATK:3000/DEF:3000 RNK:8 OVU:2)

After the dragon appears, Vivian says, "It looks just like the Numbers 46, Dragluon..."

"I use Dragravion's effect!" Yuya says, "My opponent can't target this card with effects. I choose two Dragon number Monsters from my Extra Deck, and I can summon 1 of them and the other becomes the Material. I summon Numbers 107 Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon and have Numbers 46 Dragluon as the material!" (ATK:3000/DEF:2500 RNK:8 OVU:1)

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