Chapter 57 Black Mist's Fall

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When Yuya and the others are back, they see Wilson and some of the Synchro residents feeling sad. Yuya asks, "What's wrong?"

Crow says, "Sherry was captured by Academia."

"What?" This causes them to be surprised, they can't believe what they've heard. Yugo says, "Wilson is very sad since she owed her a lot."

"How could this's like we lost another powerhouse to the team..." Yuni says.

"So when are we going to the Fusion Dimension and stop Academia?" Shun asks.

"I guess it is time for us to make a plan to stop Academia once and for all." Yuya says.

Before they can continue, they see a lot of meteors falling from the sky as they try to dodge them. Shark says, "Where did these meteors come from?"

"We just built Heartland back..." Jean says.

"And is that an aurora?" Johan points at the sky.

"And there's drift ice!" Risu says while pointing at the sea far away.

"Look up there!" Yusho says as they notice a black swirl on top of them. Vivian asks, "What is that?"

Just then, they hear laughter and Astral says, "This tremendous was just like that time..."

"That time?" Katrina asks.

Much to their surprise, Yuni, Yuya, Rio, and Johan are sent to the air, much to everyone's surprise.

"Yuya! Yuni!" Yuzu yells. "Rio!" "Johan!" The others also yell at the same time, but they just vanish like that.

When the four of them wake up, Yuya asks, "Where are we..."

"This feels like we're in Barian World..." Yuni mutters.

"Sakaki Yuni and Astral...I've wanted to see you!" Just then, Numbers 96 floats from above, and Yuni mutters, "Numbers 96!"

"It would seem that some uninvited guests snuck in. But so be it." Black Mist says, "You managed to get some of your Numbers back, however, I will take all of them back today. So sit tight and wait for your death."

"So it was you again the phenomenon occurring around the world being caused by you?" Astral asks.

"That's right. Now this place will be your tomb!" Numbers 96 yells, and much to their surprise, a sphere forms around Yuni, Astral, and Black Mist.

Rio asks, "What is that?"

"That's Barian's Sphere Field!" Yuya gasps.

"Barian's Sphere Field?" Johan asks.

"So I see you still have that power to create this..." Astral says.

"There is nothing I can't create, not only that..." Just then, Numbers 96 shoots lightning at Yuni and Astral, causing them to scream in pain.

"Inside here, I alone am absolutely untouchable existence!" Black Mist laughs. "All that exists here for you two is pain!"

"What a shrewd trick!" Rio mutters.

"That's really low! Fight them fair and square!" Johan yells.

"The field holds nothing but damage..." Astral says. "And not just for me, but Yuni as well...we can't afford to fall here. Yuni, let's win this Duel!"

"Right!" Yuni says as both of them activate their Duel Disks, and the Field Magic: Crossover also activates inside of the sphere field.

"Duel!" (Yuni:4000)(Black Mist:4000)

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