Chapter 12 Academia War Begins

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After the defeat of the Infection Baal Zebul, Yuni has a total of 6 Numbers in her hand. Yuni says, "We're slowly getting them back. I guess it's time for us to do this."

Yuya and the others nod as they all tell their plan to the Resistance about the plan to fight back. The Resistance members are showing concern and fear as Condor asks, "Are you sure that you are going to do this?"

"We are sure." Yuni says. "It is time for us to fight back and save Heartland from Academia."

"But that is too dangerous..." Aera shows her concern and then Yuya says, "It is true that we don't know what danger we will be facing. But the only thing we know is that we can't sit here and do anything while they keep doing their plan."

"We have been discussing and then we decide that I lead the Lancers to the First Base. Not to mention, we will also save as many people as we can." Yuni says.

"But we can't bring many people, so I volunteer to stay here if something goes wrong." Yuya says.

The others nod as then Yuni, Katrina, Rio, Reisho, and Johan lead some people towards the first base.

In front of the base, the 5 of them found that there are a lot of Academia members in front of the base, they nod each other and decide to show themselves.

"What do we have here?" One Academia member says, "Resistance members come to be carded."

Yuni says, "Talk if you like, we are enough to handle you all."

The second one says, "Aren't you too full of yourselves?" Then they activate their Duel Disks.

"Duel!" They all yell together.

At the same time, A Commander whose face is hidden sees that the Lancers come to attack. "He says, "So they have come..."

"Commander, we have a strange person near the entrance of our base!" One Academia student says through the hologram as they show a man standing on front of the entrance. "Who is he?"

"From the looks of it, he doesn't seem to be from the Resistance nor the Lancers, what should we do to it?" The person asks.

"Try to remove him by any means." The commander says as the call end. Then he looks at the card in his hand and says, "I won't let you ruin the plan that could save my brother..."

Back at the You Show Duel School, Yuzu and Ryu are sitting at the sofa as Ryu asks, "Yuzu, I think that we need to talk."

Yuzu is confused, "What talk? What do you mean?"

Ryu says, "Before you take out that fan of yours, I want you to be honest to me. Did you have feelings for Yuya?"

Yuzu sighs and says, "Well...I don't know. He is like a brother to me, but...after he showed himself as the Vice President along with Yuni...I start thinking otherwise. How they try to help others by producing cards, saving people, and also bring smiles...I just don't know anymore..."

Ryu says, "Yuzu, it is fine. I was also shocked that they have done so much for us. But I want to give you an advice: Once the war ends, why don't you confess to him?"

"Ehh..." Yuzu is now panicking, she says, "But what if he hates me because of it? I don't want to lose a friend..."

"Don't worry." Ryu says. "I am sure that he will think the same."

"I hope." Yuzu sighs.

Back at the base of Academia. Yuni and the Lancers have defeated a lot of Academia students, but there are more of them approaching them and Katrina mutters, "Damn it, there sure are a lot of them..."

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