Chapter 54 Virus and Pirate

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Heartland is about to get back to normal now that Academia has stopped attacking, Victoria says, "This really is the Heartland that we learned from the history..."

"Yeah...I'm glad that it is getting back..." Michael adds.

"Where are Yuni and the others? It has been a week since the attack of the Seven Sins." Shark asks.

"They are at the Different Dimension Airship." Rumi says. "Something is wrong with Sergey and they have Jean help them out."

In the Different Dimension Airship, Jean has been typing on the computer, and Yuni asks, "So what is the problem?"

"It seems like Sergey's program has been hacked..." Jean says.

"How is that even possible?" Reisho asks.

Just then, the computer's screen blackout and the Number 89 appear on the screen. Yuni says, "Numbers 89 Cyberbeast Diablosis!"

"Cyber what?" Jean asks, and then the screen turns into a Duel Game with the Number 89 in front of them. (ATK:2800/DEF:1200 RNK:7 OVU:2)

"Are you kidding me?" Reisho asks, "So all this time it was a Number Monster playing tricks?"

Jean looks at the field and says, "I can handle this, all we need to do is defeat that Monster, right?"

Yuni says, "I guess so..."

Jean says, "Now I just need to set the Player two and my deck." After scanning the deck, Jean is now inside the game. (Jean:4000)(COM:4000)

Jean says, "I set 5 cards and end my turn."

After the turn ends, they hear the Computer says, "I detach one Overlay Unit from Cyberbeast Diablosis!"

Just then, Trap Activator is banished face-down as Jean asks, "What? Did that computer just banish my Monster from my Extra Deck?"

Yuni says, "This is bad..."

"I attack you directly with Diablosis!" The Computer says, and Jean says, "I use Trap Card: Trap User - Direct Negate! When my opponent goes for a direct attack, I can negate that attack and end the Battle Phase."

After the attack is negated, the computer says, "I use Cyberbeast Diablosis' effect, you have a banished face-down card, you have to send one card from the top of your deck to the banished zone face-down."

"What?" Jean gasps in shock as another one of her cards are sent to the graveyard. Astral says, "Numbers 89 is a Card destruction Number Monster. That's why we have to be careful."

"I end my turn." The computer says.

Jean sighs and says, "My turn!" After drawing a card, she notices that her Extra Deck glowing again. Yuni says, "This is..."

"Another Number Monsters to the rescue..." Reisho says.

Jean says, "If that's the case, I don't mind using it. I use Trap Card: Trap User - Levels 1 to 3!"

After two cards are opened, Jean says, "I can treat these as Level 3 Monsters while performing Xyz Summon! Come forth! Numbers 30! Acid Golem of Destruction!" (ATK:3000/DEF:3000 RNK:3 OVU:2)

After the golem appears, Yuni says, "Numbers 30 is a hard monster to use. Since it is an effect that damages the user instead of your opponent."

Jean says, "I know. When this card is on the field, I can't Special Summon any Monsters. However, my deck is full of Traps, so it is fine for me. I use Trap Card: Trap User Double Magic! I target Acid Golem of Destruction and its ATK becomes doubled!" (ATK:3000-6000)

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