Chapter 11 Duel with Rage

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On the next day, Yuni and the others are now standing at the borderline of the barrier. They remember receiving a Duel quest from one of the Seven Sins named Wrath. Yuni volunteers to duel her as she has been ready in front of the Duel Lodge.

Yuni yells, "I am here, Wrath. You want to face me, right? Come at me and stop hiding!"

As the said person appears, she is angry and she says, "How dare you yell at me while I was doing my beauty sleep. I am not going to show any mercy for your actions!"

Gongenzaka says, "So she is the Number Monster that Yuni mentioned?"

"That's right." Reisho says. "And as her name implies, she really is full of rage.

Yuni rolls her eyes at the monster and says, "Do I really need to care about that? All I want is the Number Card that you stole from me!"

"Then forget about it, you won't be getting it until you defeat me." Wrath says as she activates her Duel Disk, while Yuni is doing the same thing.

"Field Magic: Crossover." As the field appears, they both yell, "Duel!" (Wrath:4000)(Yuni:4000)

"I'll get the first turn." Wrath says. "If I don't have a monster on the field, I can Special Summon this Monster. Appear now! Frozen Police." (ATK:1800/DEF:1000 LV:6)

As the ice sculptured Police Officer appears, Yuni says, "A Level 6 monster right on the bat..."

"And I am not done yet." Wrath says. "I Special summon Icy Police Car. This card can only be summoned if I have a Frozen Police on my field." (ATK:1000/DEF:1000 LV:6)

Then a white and blue police car that is made of ice also appears, and then Yuya says, "There are 2 Level 6 monsters..."

"I overlay my two monsters! Show your rage through the cold blizzard! Xyz Summon! Appear Numbers 21: Frozen Lady Justice!" (ATK:500/DEF:500 RNK:6 OVU:2)

Yuni says, "Here it is...the Number..."

Black Mist was watching it from afar, he says, "Now my plan is slowly working in progress...this is not boring after all."

"I use its effect: This card gains 1000 ATK for each Xyz Material attached to it." Wrath says as the attack of the monster is getting higher and higher. (ATK:500-2500) "I set two cards and end my turn."

Yuni says, "My turn." She draws a card and says, "Numbers 21's effect is to destroy all my Defense Position Monsters, but I am going for the Offense, so what I should worry about is the Overlay Units, which has something to do with the ATK of the monster."

She takes out two cards and says, "With Scale 2 Smile Fairy Soccer Player and Scale 8 Baseball Batter, I set the Pendulum Scale!"

As two monsters rise to the air with 2 and 8 beside them, she says, "With this, I can summon monsters from LV3 to LV7! Swing! Pendulum of my heart! Listen to my call and show us the way! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Dragon with Hope in the eyes! Hope-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! (ATK:2500/DEF:2000 LV:7 PS:4)."

As the dragon appears, Yuni says, "First, I use Soccer Player's ability, I can give you damage equal to half of my monster's ATK! I'll give you 1200 Damage!" (Wrath:4000-2800)

"How dare you do this to me!" Wrath suddenly yells, and then Rumi says, "As her name implies, she sure gets angry easily..."

"I know." Yuto says. "After all, Wrath is actually one of the Seven Sins."

"I use my two Trap Cards, Frozen Capture Net and Frozen Reinforce. Frozen Capture Net can change your monster into DEF position after I took damage."

"What? Change my monster into Defense Position?" Yuni is shocked as Hope-Eyes Pendulum Dragon is changed into DEF mode.

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