Chapter 18 Fake Numbers 2 and 3

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After Yuya and Yuni are back from the Fusion Dimension, they decide to go to the second Academia base. On the way, they fight some Academia students, and while they split up to fight against them, Yuya and Chris stumble upon a man with a mosquito suit.

"Who are you?" Yuya demands, and the man says, "I'm the Mosquito Ninja. If you want the Number, then you'll have to defeat me."

"So another Number spirit?" Yuya asks.

"Yuya, leave this duel to me." Chris says, and Yuya says, "Okay, I'm counting on you."

After Yuya steps aside, Mosquito Ninja says, "Before you start, I'll tell you that I hate gigantic things the most, especially you guys, Duelists who control gigantic monsters!"

"I'll take good care of him. Don't worry." Chris says as he activates his Duel Disk.

"Duel!" (MN:4000)(Chris:4000)

Chris says, "I'll get the first turn. I Special Summon Deep-Space Cruiser IX! (ATK:900/DEF:900 LV:9) This monster can be Special Summoned by sending one Machine Type monster from my hand to the graveyard! Then I activate Magic Card: Hologram Projection! By targeting one Monster on the field, this card is placed on the Monster Zone with the same Level, ATK, and DEF! I target Deep-Space Cruiser IX and Special Summon a Hologram Projection to the field!"

After the monster appears, Yuya says, "Amazing! He's got two Level 9 monsters!"

"I Overlay the Level 9 Deep-Space Cruiser IX and Hologram Projection!" Chris says, and just then, the ground is shaking and he says, "Swallow the galaxy and descend as a gigantic Earth! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank 9! Coulomb Sphere!" (ATK:2800/DEF:3000 RNK:9 OVU:2)

The summoning of the monster causes a lot of Academia members to be panicked, Michael and Yuni were fighting at the other side as they notice the monster, Michael says, "That's why Big Brother usually doesn't battle that often..."

Yuni sweatdrops, "Wow..."

Yuya says, "That Monster is ridiculously huge!"

Chris says, "I end my turn."

"Here I come! My turn!" Mosquito Ninja says as he draws a card, "I Summon Army Mosquito Blood Force!" (ATK:200/DEF:0 LV:2)

As a mosquito appears, he says, "When this card is Summoned successfully, I can add a new Army Mosquito Blood Force from my deck to my hand! Then I activate Magic Card: Mosquito Science Ninjitsu - Army Mosquito March! I can Special Summon two Army Mosquito Monsters from my hand! Come out, the new Blood Forces!"

Chris says, "He's got three Level 2s."

"So he's going to...?" Yuya asks.

"I overlay Three Level 2 Army Mosquito Blood Forces! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Numbers 2! The Shadow that passes through the silence of the night! Mosquito Science Ninja - Shadow Mosquito!" (ATK:0/DEF:0 RNK:2 OVU:3)

In Yuya and Chris' eyes, they blink as they don't see a monster in front of them. Chris says, "0 ATK?"

"But where is the monster?" Yuya asks as they start to look around.

"My Monster is right in front of you. Let me show you that largeness doesn't equal power!" Mosquito Ninja says. "Maybe your bad eyes just can't see my Monster?"

Yuya says, "I see it! It's on that guy's left shoulder!"

At the same time, Yuni finishes her Duel and rushes to Yuya and Chris. Yuni asks, "Brother, what's going on here?"

"Chris is fighting a Number's spirit. But..." Yuya says as he points at the monster.

"It's so tiny!" Yuni gasps. Astral says, "So it was just like that Infection Baal Zebul...that is also a Fake Number..."

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