Chapter 42 Shadow and Prison

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When Yuya and the others are now wandering around the Duel Lodge, they are at a graveyard as Yuzu says, "I somehow have a bad feeling about this..."

"What do you mean by that?" Katrina asks.

And just then, behind Yuni, the ground beneath Yuya and the others start to rise, and Reisho asks, "What's going on here?"

Yuni turns around and sees that they are in the air, and Yuni says, "Brother! Everyone! What is going on?"

Just then, the five of them notice some bars and Vivian asks, "Is this some sort of prison?"

Just then, the prison is shocking them with lightning, and they are in pain. "What is going on here..." Yuya asks.

Yuni notices something on top of the prison, which is the big Number 68, Yuni says, "Brother! Everyone! This is a Duel Monster! Numbers 68: Sandalphon the Fiendish Sky Prison!"

Yuzu says, "This card is a Number Monster?"

"Then we'll just have to defeat it like the other monsters, I'll do the duel." Yuya says as he activates his Duel Disk, and Yuni says, "Be careful, brother."

"It seems like your bond is interesting." Just then, Yuni turns around and sees a hooded man that looks like Vivian's Spirit Taker. "My name is Shadow, and I am here to prevent you from getting back to your base."

"So you must be another Number Monster, if you think you can stop me like that, you're wrong!" Yuni says as she activates her Duel Disk.

"Oh? You want to defeat me, huh? I'll see you try." Shadow says as he also activates his Duel Disk.

After the Field Magic and the Crossover appears, they both yell, "Duel!" (Yuni:4000)(Shadow:4000)

"I get the first turn. I summon Splitting Planarian." (ATK:1000/DEF:800 LV:4)

A two-headed snake appears, and Shadow says, "I use its effect. By banishing this monster, I can summon two Shadow Planarians from my deck." (ATK:500/DEF:400 LV:3)

Two black snakes appear on the field, and Astral says, "He already has two Level 3 monsters..."

"Judging by his look...I think there is only one Numbers Monster that fits the description." Yuni says.

"I overlay my two Shadow Planarians! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Numbers 48! Shadow Lich!" (ATK:1800/DEF:0 RNK:3 OVU:2)

A death monster with the Number 48 appear on the sickle appears on the field, at the same time, Yuya is having Scale 1 Stargazer Magician and Scale 8 Timegazer Magician on the Pendulum Zone, and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon on the field. Katrina is looking outside and she says, "Vivian, that looks like your Spirit Taker."

Vivian says, "It's not the same, but I can't believe there is actually a Number Monster that has the Grim design..."

"That's Numbers 48, Shadow Lich." Yuya says as he sets a card and they continue to run.

"I can't attack in the first turn, so I set one card and end my turn." Shadow says.

Yuni says, "Now it is my turn!" After drawing a card, Yuni says, "I use Smile Call! I can special summon a Fairy Monster from my deck, come! Smile Kuriboh!" (ATK:0/DEF:0 LV:1 OVU:10)

After the monster appears, Yuni says, "I then normal summon Rainbow Kuriboh from my hand!" (ATK:100/DEF:100 LV:1 OVU:10)

After another Kuriboh with the rainbow colors appear, Yuni says, "I overlay my Level 1 Smile Kuriboh and Level 1 Rainbow Kuriboh! Xyz Summon! Appear! Rank 1! Numbers 78: Numbers Archive!" (ATK:0/DEF:0 RNK:1 OVU:2)

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