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John groaned miserably as he turned over and squinted at the clock. He hadn't really slept. He felt ill and had been getting worse over the past few days. He figured it must be some sort of flu he hadn't had before, maybe a virus native to Japan. He kept feeling hot. His skin burned like a fire. He'd never felt anything like it before. He had a headache that came and went, along with intense, searing cramps in his lower abdomen. I should see a doctor later...He reluctantly stumbled out of bed. The symptoms had eased somewhat for now, but they'd been coming and going in waves barely a few hours apart. The heat was the worst part. Hot flushes came and went, searing his pale skin and leaving him panting, sweating, and something else. It wasn't a feeling he was familiar with, but it made his skin tingle, and something inside throbbed with each wave.

He probably shouldn't go out, but he felt it would be wrong not to. He'd agreed to attend a meeting at SPR the week before, and he didn't want to let his friends down. He wasn't sure why, but the thought of stepping outside the comfort and safety of his apartment was making him anxious. He tried to shrug off the feeling as he grabbed a facemask from the bathroom. Being sick was somehow making his senses keener, especially his sense of smell. He was hoping the mask would dampen it a little. The aromas of those around his building were bombarding his senses with sweet, fruity, wholesome, spicy, flowery, soft, and sharp scents. As a beta, this was something he'd never experienced. Usually, he could only catch a hint of scents as people passed by. He'd never been this sensitive. He tugged on his light brown coat and headed out. He'd dressed casually, in tan slacks and a white, long-sleeved top. His body felt hot, but he always preferred the comfort that came with sleeves. He was almost grateful for the cool weather. Usually, he hated it. Today, he felt hot despite the cold weather.

John took the subway to SPR, glad that it was the middle of the day, and therefore quite quiet. There were mostly mothers and children around, plus the occasional alpha or beta businessmen on their way to meetings. Something felt off about the day so far. John felt like he was being watched or stared at. Mothers would look up at him with something akin to worry and sympathy as he swayed, clinging to the handrail. The alphas, on the other hand, were giving him looks he couldn't even begin to figure out. It was making unwelcome shivers run down his spine, and his heart was racing in his chest.

He wasn't sure what it was, but as he stepped off the subway, the hairs on the back of his neck prickled. Something in his head screamed at him to run, and John didn't have the mental capacity to shut it down. He let his feet carry him up the steps, only aware of the fast feet coming up behind him as he reached the top. He had no idea why he was suddenly so terrified. More to the point, why is he chasing me? All at once, a security guard dove behind him. Loud shouts, roars, and scuffling feet filled the echoing hall as he wrestled a young alpha, likely a student, to his knees. The young man had his sharp teeth bared, his eyes dark and scathing as he tried to wrestle the heavy guard.

"Don't stop!" the guard ordered as he looked up at John with sharp eyes. His strong, sharp tone forced John to obey. Another thing he wasn't accustomed to. It wasn't that he'd never been snapped at by an alpha. His sister was an alpha, and used to do so frequently. He'd never felt the undeniable urge to obey though, not until that moment. John's feet pounded through the station. Heads turned as he raced by. Seeing him approach, one of the gatekeepers unlocked the disabled barrier and waved him over, barely glancing at his ticket as he was allowed to pass.

John didn't stop running until he was at the bottom of the steps leading up to SPR. He suddenly felt physically weak and shaky as he slowly dragged himself up the stairs. His heart was still pounding. The scents of other people in the area filled his senses. He felt crushed by the amount of alphas in this part of the city. Why am I so sensitive to it right now? His heart pounded fearfully as he finally reached the door. Inside was a little better, but the enclosed space was making the lingering scents within especially strong. He almost choked despite the mask. He felt suddenly light headed as he fell to his knees. A deep spice assaulted his senses, subtly blended with pastry, sugar, and a light fruitiness. The scents seemed vaguely familiar, but they'd never been this strong before.

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