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The next five days continued as John had expected and dreaded. Despite his insides being bruised, the heat had spurred him on. Lin had been more restrained, but he'd had little choice but to see him through the ordeal. John had hated it. Lin had insisted for the first time each day, when John was most aware, that they faced each other. John had memorised each tiny crease in Lin's smooth brow. The exact shade of brown in his deep chocolate eyes. The black of his long eyelashes. The tightness of his thin lips, and the sheen of his ebony hair as it fell across his face. Sometimes he'd run his fingers through those long bangs and move them aside to peer up into both of Lin's intense eyes. He always looked warm that first time. He made sure it was a slow burner. He'd prepare him thoroughly with both fingers and tongue. He'd never say or even acknowledge it, but it was John's favourite part of the experience. The things Lin did with his tongue almost made him harden just thinking about it. He was sure Lin had figured it out too, since the preparation had slowly taken longer and longer. His large hands were extraordinarily gentle, perhaps to make up for their earlier roughness. His fingertips were soft as he stroked his skin and explored his inner warmth. His deep spiced scent was soothing, drawing out his omega and smothering him with affection.

As soon as his heat receded, John returned to normal. He couldn't look Lin in the eye again for the rest of the case. In fact, he couldn't look anyone in the eye. Mai and Takigawa were especially sensitive to it, and made sure they kept him company. They did their best to make him laugh and feel like less of a burden. They were also careful not to mention the basement, though that had been poor timing more than anything else. Luckily, the others had pretty much completed the case while Lin and John had been locked away, so the next day they could leave.

"Let me see you home," Lin murmured as they packed. John paused at his words, unsure whether it was a request or a demand. He was just getting ready to sling his duffle bag over his shoulder and head down to his car. He'd driven there alone while Lin, Naru, and Mai had taken the van. Takigawa had driven Ayako and Masako in his own car. John was almost relieved that Lin was responsible for driving the van, so he had a valid reason for declining. He could hardly leave his own car behind, miles from the city.

"I drove my car, and you're driving the van...I'm fine driving by myself," John insisted in a cheerful tone, watching Lin's jaw tighten a little. He really wasn't keen on John driving alone so soon. He'd only just come out of his heat. He didn't want him to fall asleep at the wheel. What if he got lost? What if he had an accident? What if some other alpha jumped him at a service station? Lin's eyes darkened at the thought. He breathed deeply. It was the overprotective alpha in him. It felt too soon to allow John out of his sight. Alphas and omegas would generally remain close for a few days after their heats. Omegas felt vulnerable. Alphas felt protective. The closeness strengthened their bond. "I don't need to be babied," John almost huffed as he headed downstairs. It was almost as if he could see all the worries flitting through Lin's head.

He left as soon as he could politely excuse himself, avoiding Lin's lingering gaze. The drive back was, thankfully, uneventful and John's month continued as it had begun. He fell back into his own routine of church service, charity work, and avoiding Lin in the SPR office. The difference was that he was slowly forming a plan. He'd marked the exact date that his last heat had ended, and used the internet to guess when his next would begin. He had no intention of being Lin's sex slave. Not for a third time. He couldn't take it. He wouldn't take it.

"How are you feeling?" Lin asked towards the start of the next month. The question made John flinch. Lin's dark eyes were boring into him, assessing him. He was breathing just a little deeper than usual, scenting him. He can sense it...My next cycle must be close. John subtly moved to put the small coffee table between them. He stood somewhat stiffly, feeling defensive. He knew Lin wasn't about to pounce on him. There was little reason to outside of his heat.

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