Take It

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"Your curiosity is deafening," Lin teased as they headed up to the living room. John flushed, knowing he shouldn't pry, but he couldn't help it. The bag Lin had was huge, bigger than it would be for just his few items. "Do you want to know?" Lin teased as he leaned down, something heated in his dark eyes making John's heart thud. He nodded. "Go and shower, then make sure you use the bathroom and brush your teeth." It wasn't a request.

"Use the...bathroom?" Lin nodded at his bewildered stammer, but didn't explain. Why would I need to use the bathroom? John wandered into the heat room and grabbed his pyjamas. Wait, why am I doing this in the first place? He almost felt ticked off as he stalked back into the living room and eyed Lin almost distrustfully. "You just ordered me!" His mind went blank as he watched Lin straighten up.

"I did. Go and shower as I said, then get into the heat room." John's cheeks flushed as he fought the urge to obey. Lin gave him a heated smile as he stepped closer and leaned down, one hand holding his wrist as the other cupped his chin and tilted his head up. "Why must you make things so difficult? Just do as I say, and I'll make sure you're fairly compensated," he teased before leaning down to capture his soft lips. John almost melted upon contact, swearing he could feel sparks on his sensitive skin.

"Koujo..." he murmured needily, opening his mouth as Lin's tongue teased his bottom lip. His free hand gripped the back of Lin's shirt as Lin's hand caressed the wrist of his captured hand. Lin bumped their foreheads, enjoying the heat of his mate's skin. His expression lost some of its heat, becoming warm and affectionate. He truly adored his mate, who was almost swooning in his arms.

"Shower, then heat room," Lin repeated softly, feeling John nod his dazed agreement. "Good boy," he purred as he placed a kiss on his omega's forehead. He watched John pad to the bathroom, looking over his shoulder uncertainly before heading inside. Lin headed downstairs as the door clicked. Naru had said he would stay with Yasuhara and came to pack a few things. He was perfectly capable of packing by himself, but Lin had made sure he had his phone charger before he left so that he could call if he needed to.

Lin couldn't help smirking as he climbed the stairs, pleased that they wouldn't be disturbed for the next few days. He hurried through to the smaller bedroom with his bag and unpacked a few items before disinfecting them. It was a little fiddly, but he slipped the straps for the chain linked cuffs under the mattress, leaving the straps out of sight. He was almost nervous as he waited for John to reappear. It had been a long time since he'd engaged in these sorts of activities, and he'd never done it with someone he cared about so much. It took longer than he thought, and John was walking slowly when he finally appeared at the door. He looked shy and uncertain as he peered around the edge of the door.

"Did you do as I asked?" Lin asked from his place, standing at the end of the bed. John nodded wordlessly, curled locks dripping on the shoulders of his pale blue pyjamas. He looked adorable, especially with the collar resting in place on his pale skin. "Then come here." Lin held out a hand in invitation, waiting for John to take it. John hesitantly placed his hand in Lin's and quickly found himself in a warm embrace, firm lips brushing his searchingly.

"Koujo..." John murmured as he reached up to loop his arms around Lin's neck, allowing his alpha to lead and deepen the kiss. He felt a large hand slide up his spine, beneath the cotton of his pyjamas. Lin's other hand slowly crept downwards, caressing and squeezing his soft ass. Lin held back a moan of contentment as he stroked his impossibly soft, smooth skin. He opened his eyes as John rocked against his thigh, almost amused as he pushed John's pants down his slender legs.

John gave no objections as Lin moved them to the bed, easily lifting his half-dressed body onto the plush surface. John writhed beneath his larger body, small hands tugging at the buttons of his shirt. Lin allowed him this. It gave him the opportunity to strip John's shirt at the same time. He watched as John's skin prickled in the cool air and he titled his head back with a gasp as Lin's thumbs teased his nipples, making them harden. Lin paused as John's hands pressed against his chest.

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