Dinner Date

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"You really don't have to do that." Naru looked over his shoulder with a hum as Mai appeared beside him in the small kitchenette. It was barely large enough for the two of them to stand in. Her apartment only had four rooms. A small toilet, a shower room, the tiny kitchen, and the living area. She kept her futon rolled away in a cupboard during the day and the small kotatsu was in the middle of the floor right now. It was cosy. Naru maintained his usual serious expression, despite being elbow deep in a sink of hot bubbling water.

"You made dinner," Naru excused as he scrubbed the well-used wok beneath the surface, doing everything to avoid raising his eyes. It had seemed so nice and simple in his head earlier when he'd accepted the invitation. Actually coming to Mai's apartment had thrown him somewhat. He was used to her sweet citrus scent drifting around the office, but he was literally drowning in it. It had seeped into every corner of the apartment and clung to every item within it. It was hard to keep his usual impassive expression in place. His omega side was ready to purr and nuzzle into the various plush items, to seep his own scent into the surface. It was a temptation he was trying hard to keep in check.

A small sound, somewhere between a gasp and a murmur of surprise, escaped his delicate lips as Mai stepped right in behind his taller body. His deep blue eyes darted sideways, trying to gauge her intentions. Her small hands touched his slim hips briefly as she passed by, one hand lingering on his back as she moved away to his side. He could feel the flush on his cheeks and looked down. She was just passing by. He felt silly for allowing his omega to make him feel so nervous. Just because she got close to him didn't mean she was going to try anything.

"Tea?" It seemed a strange question, considering she'd already turned on the stove when she asked. Naru nodded his agreement. Tea always steadied his nerves. He quietly wondered if Mai had detected his unease. Part of him thought it more than likely. She always seemed to know exactly how he was feeling, and how best to put him back in his regular rhythm. Have I ever been able to do the same for her? He'd never thought about it before. He'd certainly helped her once or twice, distracting and put her at ease when she was scared, and using himself as a physical barrier to keep her safe. It didn't come close to what she did for him though. He turned his head to watch her as she worked.

She wasn't looking at him. Instead, she was idly humming while getting two cups ready. The tea was in bag form here, unlike at the office where he kept loose leaf on hand. He watched her pale hands work, looping the string of each small bag around the cup handle. She watched the stove almost impatiently as she waited for the kettle to whistle. Her moods were easy for him to follow and assess. He'd always been good at spotting when she was feeling down, and when she was troubled. He'd also known how to soothe her when she'd awoken from a nightmare during a case. Tea is the answer to all life's problems.

"Where do these go?" Naru asked as he dried off the plates. Mai showed him the cupboard and watched as he reached up to return them, stretching the muscles in his side. Her cheeks flushed as she thought how homely it felt having him in the small apartment. They'd stayed together on cases, of course, so it wasn't the first time they'd shared chores like this, but it was the first time they'd ever been alone in either person's home. Something static passed through the small kitchen as their eyes met. It was barely an instant as Naru closed the cupboard, but it made them both pause. Naru's tongue darted out to wet his lips as the moment stretched.

The kettle hissed and whined loudly, and Mai flustered as she turned away to move the metal pot over. Naru's lips softened slightly as he watched her fill the two cups after turning off the stove. They were soon back at the kotatsu and the atmosphere felt a little awkward. The heater beneath the table wasn't on since it was getting hotter, but it still felt a little too warm for Naru's liking. His mouth felt dry as he looked across at Mai. Pink dusted her cheeks as she noticed. She licked her lips as she searched for something to say.

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