Silent Longing

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"Who is this?" Takigawa asked worriedly as he signalled for Lin to stop. Lin was panting where he'd been running up and down the closest alleyways, desperately searching. John was somewhere in this area, or at least he had been. He was certain. He could smell his candyfloss scent lingering in the air. He must have driven here. There was no way he could have walked, and the subway would have taken him in circles and made it more difficult to pin down his location. Lin looked frustrated at being halted, but then he sensed something different. John wasn't scared anymore. He was peaceful. The woman on the other end introduced herself to Takigawa before asking about his relationship with John. "I'm John's co-worker and friend. Is he with you? Is he safe? We've been searching for hours!" Takigawa sighed in relief and gave Lin a thumbs up. John had been found.

Lin stepped a little closer, looking anxious. He'd been worried when John left the meeting in such a hurry, and he'd known something felt off. I should have stopped him. I should have insisted I take him home! He'd thought it a hundred times already. When John's heat had arrived, Lin had been beside himself with worry. He'd felt it, and just barely scented it on the breeze. He already knew John wasn't at home, and he'd refused to answer his phone. Lin had checked in with Takigawa first to see if he was heading to his apartment, but Takigawa hadn't heard from him since the meeting. Sensing how terrified Lin was, Takigawa had insisted on helping him search. John was more likely to let himself be found by another omega, and he could also use his scent to calm Lin's turbulent mood. It wasn't safe for alphas to run rampant in the streets. Lin could end up in a fight if he lost control and slipped into a rut.

"Oh, thank God! Thank you so much for your trouble," Takigawa replied gratefully as the lady filled him in on what had happened and where they were headed. Takigawa nodded and hummed in agreement as she told him the address. "Great, thank you again. I'll head right over," he added before hanging up and turning to Lin, who looked hopeful but haggard. He'd never seen Lin so exhausted, not even those few times Naru had collapsed. He was always somewhat solemn and quiet, but not tired and lethargic as he was now.

He remembered the way he'd been the first time that Naru had ended up in hospital. They'd all been surprised at how devoted and over protective he'd been. He'd absolutely refused to leave his bedside. Takigawa had actually started to wonder then if perhaps their relationship was a little more than that of co-workers. He'd toyed with the idea of them being potential mates, but neither of them gave off that vibe, nor did they have mating marks. It all made sense when it came out about Lin having more or less raised Naru and his twin. Even during those times, Lin had kept a cool head. This time was a completely different story. He'd been almost out of his mind with worry, and God help the alpha who'd attacked John's car if Lin discovered his identity.

"He's safe...He had a bit of an accident with his car, but he's totally fine. They're driving him to the hospital to have him checked over now." Takigawa was relieved to see some of the tension leave Lin's shoulders at the news, but he didn't fully relax. He wouldn't be able to relax until he had John safe and sound, nestled in his arms. He needed to see him. He needed to touch and feel every inch of his body to make sure he wasn't hurt. He needed to hear his voice telling him he was alright. "Let's hail a taxi," Takigawa decided as he stepped to the curb and held his arm out.

It took barely a minute for a taxi to spot them and pull over. They climbed in and Takigawa gave the address. While they had a moment, he quickly typed out a message to send to Ayako. He'd actually been on his way over to her place when Lin first called. Ayako had offered to get out and help, but she'd agreed to stay at home when Takigawa asked her to. Lin was worried enough as it was without another alpha getting involved. He wouldn't let Ayako near his mate, especially not when he was in heat.

"Takigawa...Thank you for your assistance," Lin murmured stiffly as he glanced at him. Takigawa almost snorted at the formality. He would have helped even without Lin asking. He felt really protective of the younger people in their group. Especially the two omegas. It was important for younger omegas to have someone older to go to for help and advice. John was especially vulnerable, considering what happened a couple of months back.

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