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Naru moaned in alarm as he came, panic rising in his chest as his blue eyes darted around the unfamiliar room. He instantly felt a large hand on his cheek, encouraging his face up to meet Yasuhara's assuring hazel eyes. Relief flooded his chest and his body went limp in the alpha's muscular arms. He gasped for breath, unsure what had happened. The last thing he remembered was being thirsty as he straddled Mai's hips and impaled himself on her harnessed cock for what seemed like the tenth time during that heat.

"So, you're back," Yasuhara greeted softly as he raised a bottle of water to Naru's parched lips. Naru accepted with shaking hands. Every muscle ached and quivered from overuse. It was a feeling he was used to, but not to this extent. Mai was lying beside him, sound asleep and exhausted. Yasuhara was little better, but tried not to let his fatigue show. He ran a hand through his dark locks as he watched Naru get his bearings. "It's been three days...Your heat is easing off now. How do you feel?" he asked in a gentle, coaxing tone.

"I-I'm tired, but...I think I'm alright," Naru replied groggily, wondering what he'd missed in the time he'd been consumed by his heat. Yasuhara smiled softly as he nodded his agreement and understanding. Naru had been insatiable for the past three days. Any inhibitions he'd thought he may have were long gone. Perhaps due to how long he'd been taking care of himself, Naru's omega had been positively insatiable. He'd demanded both Yasuhara and Mai to sate his lust. There was even one point he'd tried to take both cocks at once, but Yasuhara wouldn't allow it. Naru had said nothing painful, and without the right amount of stretching beforehand, that would be horribly painful.

"And hungry," Yasuhara added an instant before Naru's stomach let out a loud growl. Naru nodded his agreement, flushing as Yasuhara chuckled. He'd never noticed what a pleasant sound that was before. Ever attentive, Yasuhara dropped his black dressing gown over Naru's head and pulled on a pair of grey sweats. "You just relax. I'll make us some breakfast," he insisted as he padded to the door. Naru pulled on the dressing gown, his skin now cool as his heat receded. His cheeks flushed as he tightened the towel robe. It was large, too broad in the shoulders, and the sleeves almost covered his fingertips. He quietly buried his nose in the collar, breathing in that fresh woodland scent. It made him feel safe and content.

Tugging the gown a little closer, he nestled down beside Mai and watched her sleep. Her hair was dishevelled on the pillows, mouth open just a little as she let out a gentle breath. Naru reached up and brushed a few stray strands away from her peaceful, sleeping face. She hummed softly and subconsciously reached out to grasp at him, pulling him closer. She sighed in contentment as she buried her face in the chest of the robe. Does Yasuhara's scent have an effect on her, too? He wasn't sure how he felt about that. She may feel the same about me though...

"Hey, breakfast is ready!" The sound of Yasuhara's voice was enough to rouse Mai. Her soft hazel eyes flickered open to glance blearily around the room. They were still tired and full of sleep as she looked up at Naru, smiling softly as she realised he was back in control again. He greeted her softly and kissed her lips before helping her up. She was suffering more than he was as he helped her into her dressing gown. Her skin was dotted with dark bruises and bite marks, and as she stood, she almost fell. "I thought this might be the case...Up we go!" Yasuhara said cheerfully as he met them in the doorway and hefted her like a princess.

"Yasu!" Her cheeks flushed as she gripped his neck and looked down as if she might fall. Yasuhara chuckled fondly as he carried her to the small breakfast table and set her on one of the wooden chairs.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't drop you," he assured as she set about righting her crooked neckline and crossing her legs. "You're hurting, right? Tell me where," he added softly as he crouched down to Mai's eye level, gaze soft and searching. She waved her arms quickly, objecting that she was fine, but they all knew she was sore. "You're a beta. I know this has worn on you. Let me help." His voice was gentle and coaxing as he tried to draw out a confession. It was subconscious as he rested a hand on her bare knee and rubbed comforting circles.

"I'm fine, really! It's just my hips and thighs are a little overworked." Yasuhara nodded his understanding before reaching higher and feeling her legs. She winced as he pressed her thighs and whimpered a little as he squeezed and moved her hips. He couldn't feel any damage, but she was right. They had certainly overworked her smaller body. She whined softly as he continued to press and massage her aching muscles.

"I'll give you some anti-inflammatory tablets." Mai accepted the offer gratefully as he pushed to his feet. Naru's brow pinched guiltily as he sat across from her, wondering exactly what he'd done to put Mai in that state. I certainly never meant to hurt her..."Don't think about it too much. It's not anyone's fault, now eat your breakfast," Yasuhara said assuringly as he placed a large plate of sandwiches on the table. Naru took one hesitantly, blue eyes widening as he took a bite. They were bacon. Bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise. Like Lin used to make before school...

"Wow! You're an excellent cook, Yasu!" Mai complimented brightly as she ate one of the small triangles. Yasuhara smiled his thanks as he set about making tea and searching for pills. Naru knew it wasn't a coincidence. BLT was one of his comfort foods, something Lin would always make to cheer him up. Yasuhara had clearly done his research. As he sipped the tea, he found it tasted the same as Lin's. Did he talk to Lin and practice for this?

"How is it Kazuya?" Yasuhara asked as he returned and sat down with them.

"It's good." Naru's cheeks flushed at the attention, unused to being fawned over. He'd always been fairly independent, so even Lin had held back from coddling him. When he was younger, it had been his defensive attitude that made him less approachable. He's always been somewhat insecure about being an omega, never willing to accept help or affection unless he needed it. Being an omega was hard. He never knew when people were genuine and when they were treating him as they thought an omega should be treated. The only ones he'd trusted were Lin and Gene.

"I asked Lin for a little advice. I wanted to make sure you'd be comfortable." Naru couldn't help feeling a little touched. He wasn't used to people besides Lin taking care of him. It was odd when Mai took care of him. He found that he didn't mind so much with Yasuhara. Is it because he's an alpha? Or is it my heat? He eyed the younger man, who now had his spectacles back in place. "Well...I think we should all relax for the next couple of days, and then you should be ready to go home."

"It's nice that you're not chasing us off right away, but I wouldn't want to intrude." Naru knew that Yasuhara had work to focus on for university, as well as his job. Mai nodded her agreement; he must be busy.

"Don't worry about it! I wouldn't offer if I didn't have the time, and any work I have to do I can do while you're here anyway," he insisted with a hint of finality. Realistically, he knew Naru was still in heat, even though it was quickly wearing off. That would make him a target outside, and Mai was hurt. She was in no condition to be home alone, taking care of herself. He'd never tell him, but Naru's omega had been quite rough with her smaller body, forgetting that she wasn't built to take such unbridled enthusiasm.

"I guess I could use a little rest..." Mai murmured quietly in acceptance. Anticipating her needs, Yasuhara carried her over to the sofa and gently laid her down. He didn't want her using her legs more than necessary for the next day or so. Naru was also attentive. He brought her tea and snacks and made sure she had anything she wanted within reach. He sat on the floor beside her, alert and eager to please. Yasuhara allowed him to fuss over his beta. Having assessed him at breakfast, he'd already determined Naru was in perfect health, with no unusual or unexpected aches and pains. While Mai and Naru spoke in quiet voices, Yasuhara settled down at the breakfast table and typed away in silence, pleased to have company in the apartment. It got lonely sometimes.

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