Sparks and Vulnerability

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"I see...No, of course, I understand...No problem...I'd love to have him. Are you kidding? Take as long as you need...Sure, sure...Okay, I'll pick him up next week then, on Tuesday...See you then. Bye." Takigawa hung up the phone with a sigh and looked around his small apartment, wondering where he'd find space to put a dog that big. I'll make a little space in the kitchen. He slumped back on the floor, the hardness of the wood cushioned a little by the thick mat beneath his kotatsu. He couldn't help the heavy, almost lead feeling that filled his chest. So...SPR is done...He secretly hoped Naru would return after a few weeks. But if he doesn't...

His main excuse for meeting up with Ayako was their cases with SPR. It was almost the only time outside his heats and special events that he got to spend time with her. She was often busy at the hospital otherwise, or relaxing in her off hours. During their cases, he could often coax her into having dinner or meeting up here and there, but without the excuse of seeing her for work, their chances of meeting up were slim.

If we don't meet up as much, I wonder if she'll get bored...He couldn't help worrying about that, knowing that she was an attractive alpha, despite her long working hours. She was beautiful, smart, financially stable, and an heiress. She has a lot going for her...He wondered if her parents already had someone in mind for her to marry. It would make sense. They could merge a business or at least gain extra income by pairing her with a wealthy omega family. I'm just a bassist who's a monk on the side...I really don't have much to offer besides my ability to have children...

He got to his feet, feeling restless, and left his apartment. Sitting inside thinking in circles, wouldn't help. It would only make him feel worse. He left his jacket at home, shoving his wallet and phone into the pockets of his jeans instead. It was still hot, so he was only wearing a simple white t-shirt. He took a breath as he headed down the stone steps and out into the street, deciding to take a long walk towards central Tokyo. He probably wouldn't make it all the way, but there were plenty of subway stations along the way if he turned back.

The streets were quiet, which was expected at this time of day. Most people were still at work, and the schools were in, so there were no children about. The area he lived in was mostly for bachelors anyway, though there were a few students renting in the area too. The breeze was light on his skin as he walked by rows and rows of apartments, mostly between five and seven storeys tall. He raised his head as a familiar scent drifted by on the breeze. Paprika...

"Takigawa?" Takigawa's cheeks heated as he met the deep hazel gaze of a familiar alpha. "I thought it was you," he added jovially as he closed his car door. It was a fairly new make, a sleek white Mercedes. Expensive tastes...though he is a doctor. Takigawa smiled and returned the polite greeting. He was more than a little surprised. It never even crossed his mind that he might meet him again after Ayako's work dinner.

"Hey Iwakawa, I've not seen you around these parts before. Are you on a house call?" Takigawa asked as he joined him on the pavement. He was wearing a suit and tie, though he'd removed his jacket. It was a black suit, which somehow made his deep brown hair seem a little lighter. His tie was loose about his throat, and he carried a simple briefcase in his free hand. He pressed his key fob to lock the car as he looked down at Takigawa.

"I just got off. I live in this block," he replied as he pointed to the building to their right. Takigawa was surprised to hear it. With the wage of a doctor, Iwakawa could afford to live in a house like Ayako or in a more upmarket apartment closer to the city. Iwakawa's lip quirked as he caught a little of what he was thinking. "How about you?"

"Oh, I live a few minutes that way," Takigawa replied, thumbing back over his shoulder and watching the doctor nod. It was a decent area for single people, so it wasn't surprising for him to live there. "Well, it's good to see you...How's the hospital?" Takigawa asked curiously, content to wait a few minutes as the good doctor filled him in on his latest shift. Iwakawa was easy to talk to. Jovial and friendly, as many doctors were when speaking to patients.

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