Guilt and Regret

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Takigawa's brown pinched as he stirred and tried to blink the blur from his eyes. He was tucked in his futon, lying on his back and staring up at the ceiling. I feel so heavy. His eyes widened as he picked up a familiar scent. The room was saturated with a light fog of paprika. He bolted upright, eyes darting around the room and falling upon the large alpha, who stood at his small kitchenette wearing nothing more than a pair of tight boxers.

"Morning! Just wait right there. I'm almost done," Iwakawa instructed in an almost jovial tone. Takigawa blanched as he stared at him, stomach churning. He felt terrible. His gaze dropped to the thick duvet, which had been tucked around him with care. He remembered being on top of the covers when he'd finally passed out. He'd lost count of the times Iwakawa had worked him to orgasm. Pink coloured his cheeks at the vivid memories that were creeping back. His hips ached from all the positions he'd been twisted into. His thigh and arm muscles burned from holding his weight, trying to keep balance through each hard thrust and rock. Paprika still lingered in the stale air, barely masking the sin they'd shared. "Here...Relax," Iwakawa soothed as he returned with a cup of tea and some toast on a tray.

"Uh, thanks..." Takigawa stiffened as the tray was set on his lap, feeling awkward. "I-I'm sorry..." He wasn't sure what more he should say. It feels like I've done something wrong, but...did I? Ayako didn't seem bothered by it, and we're both technically single. There was also the fact that Iwakawa's scent had encouraged him. He hesitated to call it domination. That wasn't quite right when they'd both wanted it; and what else had he called him for in the first place? His conversation with Ayako had upset him, and he'd wanted comfort. Comfort Iwakawa had willingly provided. That doesn't make this any less awkward now!

"About last night? Why? I'm not," Iwakawa replied with a hint of smugness, not even bothering to hide his smirk. Takigawa blushed as he felt the alpha's eyes rove over his bare chest with a hungry air. Paprika wrapped around him, caressing him affectionately. It was almost comforting. "Don't worry...I knew when I arrived last night. Something happened, and you needed someone." That he was so understanding almost made it worse. Iwakawa sank onto the futon beside him with his own cup, watching him calmly as he sipped the bitter liquid. Takigawa ran a hand through his tangled locks, cheeks heating once more as he remembered exactly why they were so tangled. He could still taste it in his throat. He raised his cup quickly, almost burning his lips.

Iwakawa really wasn't one to hold back. The hand in his hair had been rough, gripping firmly as he'd worked him back and forth on his cock. Soft eyes had watched him, telling him he good he was as the cock slid down his throat to press his gag reflex again and again. He'd almost seemed to enjoy the sight of him choking, slowly edging further to fit it all inside. He was bigger than Ayako, and thicker. There was a lingering roughness in the back of his throat that was almost an ache. Takigawa dropped his eyes as he remembered how Iwakawa had dragged him in and held him there as he spilled, making him choke and swallow around his cock until he couldn't breathe. The tender praise afterwards, gentle fingers caressing his cheeks as his tongue cleaned his lips.

"I shouldn't have brought you into this...It isn't fair," Takigawa said finally as he nibbled his toast. His heat would come up soon. Great, just what I wanted to think about. His chest tightened as he thought of Ayako. Does this mean we're through? He bit his lip worriedly. Even though this encounter wasn't cheating, it felt like it. But then...she didn't object to it...His eyes widened as a large hand laced in his hair. A small sound of surprise slipped out as he found his lips sealed by the large alpha at his side. It didn't last long. Iwakawa drew back with a small smile.

"You know, you look much better when you smile," he murmured as he stroked his hair affectionately. Takigawa stammered a response, feeling awkward about the whole thing. He was attracted to him. Iwakawa was charming, funny, kind, and attentive, but he still yearned for Ayako. "I have to head into the hospital soon. Are you going to be alright?" Iwakawa asked as he got to his feet. Takigawa nodded wordlessly, the awkwardness lingering as Iwakawa prepared to leave. He hadn't showered, but since he only lived down the street, he'd probably stop home first. It was also a fact that alphas liked to carry their omega's scent as a sign to others that they were desirable. It grabbed the attention of other alphas like a silent brag while signalling to omegas that they were strong and virile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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