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The Honeyz incident put John off finding work for a while. Father Kasuyama had been disturbed and surprised when John talked about it during confession. There was no pressing need for him to find other work. The work he did for the church was more than enough to make up for his food and accommodation. He also got paid by SPR for the work he did there, though they hadn't gone out on a case that month. It was agreed that he was to put work at the bottom of his priorities. Instead, he had to find a new sense of fulfilment and focus more on his mate.

Since the incident, Lin had been even more cautious. A few days later, it turned out that Honeyz had disappeared, and the two men were nowhere to be found. That suited Lin down to the ground. He'd likely tear them apart if he ever saw them again. He wouldn't let John walk home alone at night anymore. He called him every evening when SPR closed to find out where he was. Most evenings he was home already and assured him he had no intention of going out again. At other times, he would be at the church or some form of charity event, and Lin would dutifully turn up and wait for him to finish.

"You don't have to come every night. It isn't even late yet," John murmured one evening when Lin turned up at the local soup kitchen. His cheeks flushed as Lin shrugged out of his coat and tugged his sleeves up. He brushed off his objections as he helped, determined not to simply get in the way. He wandered around and cleared tables while exchanging a few words with the homeless people gathered around them. He insisted he came because he wanted to. The words made John's stomach tumble. He wants to spend time with me...

"Your mate is so nice!" one of the younger girls squealed, making John's cheeks flush dark red. He'd never told anyone who his mate was, though he supposed Lin's scent clinging to his mating mark was a giveaway. "Why haven't you marked him yet?" she asked casually, watching John's eyebrows raise at the question. He had no idea what she was talking about. She almost laughed at how clueless he was. She was barely fourteen, and even she knew that side of things. It was one of the first things she'd learned about in sex-ed.

"Saki, don't be mean! Father Brown never studied omega mating in school the way you did," her mother interrupted as she noticed her daughter's hysterics and John's embarrassment. The older woman gave John a motherly smile as she stepped in beside him and filled yet another bowl with soup, while John handed out the warm bread rolls. She was an omega herself, and couldn't help feeling protective of John. He was so innocent, and dangerously uneducated in the ways of the omega. "Normally, mating is a two-way affair. The alpha will mark the omega, and if the omega accepts, then the omega will mark their alpha in return. It makes the bond stronger and brings a deeper sense of shared intimacy," she explained as they worked, watching John bite his lip. But I didn't accept the mating. It was forced on me in a moment of urgency. He wondered what Lin thought. He must have known about this. He was an experienced alpha. He didn't mention it, so...does that mean he doesn't want a two-way bonding?

"John, another roll please," Lin said as he appeared out of nowhere with an empty plate. He felt confused as John stammered and almost dropped the roll. He steadied his hand with a gentle touch, which almost made him more flustered. Lin's lips softened as he kept hold of John's hand and soothed the back of his hand with his thumb. "You should take a break." John nodded at the suggestion. He hadn't stopped all day. He'd helped at the church that morning and completed confession before helping set up and run the kitchen. He sat alone at a quiet table by the window, smiling in thanks as Lin joined him and pushed a bowl of soup and a warm bread roll towards him. "I heard you haven't eaten yet."

"I was planning to! I just hadn't gotten round to it yet..." John's brow pinched with guilt as he remembered the schedule Lin had put on his phone. It had told him to eat two hours ago. As usual, he'd forgotten. He just wasn't good at keeping to a schedule like this. He was usually busy with charities and other tasks when the reminders went off. He always dismissed the alarm and then forgot about it until later. Lin sighed quietly as he leaned forward so that they could talk privately.

"You know your heat is coming up soon...You need to eat more and build your strength." His dark eyes softened as John's cheeks burned. He was mortified at being reminded. He wasn't ready for it, not by a long shot. It doesn't seem like that long ago since my last one...He couldn't figure out why life had been so cruel as to force this on him. "That reminds me. Since we haven't figured out your schedule yet, I think we should play it safe. How does Friday sound? Your heat probably isn't due to start until next week, but Friday should be a nice buffer." Lin seemed hopeful as he spoke, though John seemed terribly confused.

"Friday? What are we doing on Friday?" he asked cluelessly as he ate the soup. It was a hearty tomato flavour, thick and warm in the still slightly cool evening air. The roll was soft and buttered, perfect for dipping in the thick soup.

"You're coming to my apartment...I made a few adjustments for you." Lin was amused at the way John almost choked on his soup. His lips softened as he handed John a tissue to wipe his lips clean. He was shy and uncertain as he squirmed in his seat. His omega side purred with happiness at the thought of returning to Lin's apartment and huddling in the carefully prepared nest. His book was probably still there, waiting for him on the windowsill.

"I-I don't want to intrude," John mumbled, looking up as Lin tilted his chin. He could feel the heat in his cheeks as Lin's finger rested beneath his chin and held him there. His dark eyes looked so soft as he regarded him. He was so warm.

"You're my omega. You will never intrude...You belong by my side." Lin almost mumbled that last part. John blushed. The bread in his mouth was suddenly very dry and difficult to chew. His whole body felt warmed by the gentle touch and soothing words. John gave a small nod in response. It wasn't like he had much choice in the matter anyway. Lin would track him down and carry him there kicking and screaming if he had to. His heat wouldn't allow his alpha to do anything less. That's right...He has his own biological needs to take care of...The thought soured his mood somewhat.

"Friday." John's stiffness and dipping mood didn't go unnoticed. Lin reached out and pressed John's bonding mark through his shirt, teasing the skin with gentle fingers. The resulting tingles instantly soothed John's insecurities. He blushed and looked away as Lin caught his eye, hurriedly getting to his feet to head back to work. Lin allowed him to go before continuing his own self-imposed duty of clearing empty plates and bowls.

Lin walked him home. It had become almost customary. He wouldn't just take him to his building, he'd walk him all the way up to his apartment door. He wouldn't leave until he was safely locked inside, waiting for the click of the final bolt before turning and walking away. Tonight was no different. They talked a little as they walked down the familiar streets. Lin told him about his day, which mainly consisted of listening to Mai and Naru bickering. Somehow, it seemed worse than usual. Naru's temper had flared the way it usually did around his heats. It seemed that being so close to John had synchronised their cycles. For the first time, Naru was going to be alone for his heat. He'd already set up his office and started his self-imposed isolation. More or less. It hadn't started yet, so he would still step into the main office, but he was ready to lock the door when it finally arrived.

"Poor Mai," John murmured as Lin told him about their latest argument. It rarely got personal. Naru never truly meant anything he said to Mai in jest. This time was different. Lin wasn't sure what was said, but it had left Mai in tears, and Naru locked in his office reeking of guilt. Despite their spat, Mai had dried her eyes, washed her face, and returned to her desk within half an hour. When he'd left, the pair still hadn't spoken. "I'll stop by tomorrow and see if she wants to talk." John had been an advisor to her on more than one occasion.

"You could bring some things with you...Things you'd like to keep at mine in the long term," Lin suggested, watching John's cheeks flush as he realised Friday was looming so close. Tomorrow was Thursday. Lin's suggestion made sense. He could bring more if he packed two bags. It also made sense to store some spare items at Lin's house if this was going to become a regular occurrence. He nodded his quiet agreement as they stood outside his door. "Well then...good night." Lin pressed a gentle kiss to John's forehead as they parted.

"Good night." John felt somewhat flustered as he opened his door. He took a last shy look at his alpha before closing it. He turned the key, slid the bolts, and pulled the chain across. He leaned against the door, pressing one eye against the spyhole to watch Lin finally step back. He took one last, lingering look at the door, unaware that he was being watched, before turning and walking away with his hands in the pockets of his long trench coat. John felt a tightness tug at his chest as he watched him leave.

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