Budding Hope

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John disappeared after their second coupling. Lin was worried. During previous heats, he'd been fairly lucid for the first five or six times before his omega fully took control, but this time he'd lost his mind after their second time. Despite this, Lin kept to his duty. He was the alpha. He satisfied his omega's needs, leaving him purring and content in his arms. In return, the omega put up no fight as Lin urged the bottles of water towards his lips, and accepted the small bites of crackers and granola bars. He would even accept dried fruits and cured meat in small amounts.

"When are you coming back?" Lin murmured quietly as he looked down at the delirious blonde. It was the fourth day of his heat, and the slick was just starting to dry up. Over the next two days, the symptoms would ease before disappearing completely. Usually, John would be back by now. Is he so relaxed that he's allowing his omega to take control? Or is something really wrong? Lin was worried as he stroked the omega's dozy head. The omega hummed softly, turning to nuzzle into the gentle touch.

His body was fine, at least. He was drinking enough water and took enough small bites of food to keep his strength up. His limbs were quivering from overuse, but that wasn't outside of his expectations. It was hard to tell if something was physically wrong. John's temperature was up, but he was in heat. His skin went between being pale and flushed, but he was in heat. He wasn't eating much, but he was in heat. He wasn't drinking much, but he was in heat. The heat itself was making it impossible to diagnose anything beyond that.

"K-Koujo?" John murmured weakly as he opened his bleary blue eyes. Relief flooded Lin's chest as his eyes finally took on their usual bright blue, though it was subdued. Something's wrong. "Feel strange..." John reported weakly, feeling comforted and assured as Lin gripped his hand gently. Don't worry, I'm here...I've got you...Another hand was soothing his damp locks, the touch cooling his hot skin.

"Strange how?" Lin asked quietly, knowing John wasn't up to loud noises.

"Dizzy...sort of weightless...Mm...headache." John winced, gratefully accepting the small pills were pressed between his lips. He swallowed them with water before allowing Lin to lay him back on the bed again. He felt ill, like he had the flu. He wasn't sure how much of that was down to his heat and how much was actually real. He hummed as Lin stroked his forehead again, the touch lingering. Lin could sense how his presence was soothing John's worries. He continuously turned his head and pressed into his fingers for more contact.

"Do you think you're coming down with something?" Lin asked cautiously, watching as John nodded thoughtfully. With that being the case, he didn't want to push his body too far. He also couldn't afford to leave him unsatisfied. That could be dangerous and stressful. For now, John seemed content to rest, and he would trust him to let him know when he needed relief. "I'll be back." Lin pressed a gentle kiss to John's damp forehead before padding through to the bathroom. He kept a few packets of medicine inside. He fingered through the various pills and sachets until he found one that would ease flu symptoms.

"Jo..." John murmured as the door opened again, eyes searching weakly. Lin let his spiced scent comfort the vulnerable omega as he approached the bed and climbed on. John sat up at his urging and accepted the torn sachet at his lips. His face scrunched as the dry powder was tipped into his mouth, instantly drying it out. He tried not to breathe. He didn't want to choke on the bitter dust. Lin pressed a bottle to his lips, and he drank, washing his mouth out as he did so.

"That should ease the symptoms a little," Lin murmured as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. John rested a hand on his bare shoulder, cheeks flushed as he looked up. He hid his shy expression with his free hand, blue eyes darting up to Lin and then to the drawn curtain around the bed. Lin could sense his flaring need. He smiled softly as he leaned in closer, nuzzling his throat and kissing their mating mark. "You're ready again?" he asked quietly, feeling John nod against his shoulder.

He didn't want him to strain himself, and he wanted him to feel secure. John was surprised as Lin slid in behind his seated form. He gasped as Lin gripped beneath his knees and lifted him, spreading his legs as he did so. John let out a shrill, moaning gasp as he was lowered onto Lin's solid shaft. The slick and their previous couplings had left him more than loose enough for him to slide right in. It felt so deep, John swore he was going to thrust through his intestines and into his stomach.

Without a word, Lin released his knees, setting one leg on either side of his own thighs. He kissed the slope of John's shoulder, licking and nipping the tender skin as he wrapped his arms around his slim torso. He brought John with him as he slowly lay back on the nest, nestling in the twisted pile of blankets and clothes. John moaned softly, feeling Lin's shaft caress his walls as they moved. Lin settled, stroking up and down John's thighs and hips.

It was strange, but warm and secure. He was lying on top of Lin as if he were part of the bed. His chest was firm and clammy beneath him. His head was resting back against Lin's larger shoulder, head tilted to the side to offer him more access to the pale skin. His feet slowly found stability in the sheets, enough to allow him to raise his hips a little. Lin's hands were on the jutting bones in an instant, steadying his movements.

"Try not to overexert yourself." John's eyes almost rolled back in bliss as Lin's grip tightened and he bucked up into his heat. His whole body shuddered with need and desire. It was the most wonderful thing he'd ever felt. Somehow, Lin was pressing all the right places. He sensed John's contentment and rolled his hips again. John blushed as his hands slowly reached up to toy with his own hardened nipples, rolling them gently. He whimpered at the little buzzes of pleasure that sent trickling down to his cock.

"J-Jo...Please...I want..." John murmured needily, mouth open as he looked up at the white ceiling. He let his moans come in waves as he took in the wall of white that surrounded them. It felt like they were in their own tiny space, where no one else could hear or intrude. It made him feel a little bolder. "H-harder..." he choked, yelping a little as his alpha slammed up roughly, bouncing and grinding his small ass against his pelvis.

Lin tried to keep some semblance of control over his alpha, but it was hard. Especially when John was begging for it. He'd never imagined, with his reserved and timid nature, that he'd ever be this open and demanding. It was likely due to their enclosed environment and the fact he wasn't looking directly at his face. Even so, when John asked for more, he couldn't deny him. He raised his body a little higher, giving himself more room to snap his hips. Each rough thrust elicited a high-pitched cry from his omega, but Lin could feel the waves of pleasure rolling from him. It didn't hurt.

"Ah! Oh my-Gah! C-coming!" John's hips writhed and stuttered in Lin's strong grasp as white streams coated his chest and the bedding beneath. Lin was only seconds behind, biting his shoulder roughly as he filled him. He didn't want to strain him by knotting this time, so he pulled out, ignoring the feeling of his own seed dribbling out of his mate and coating his own naval. He tightened his grip on John, holding him close. John was gasping and shuddering, exhausted from their passionate lovemaking. "Koujo..." His hand searched until he found Lin's and entwined their fingers.

Lin couldn't help smiling as he closed his eyes and nuzzled closer. It felt unbelievably good to hold his omega in his arms. To have him willingly. To hear his name on his lips. To feel their fingers entwining. He could feel John's panted breaths slowing, and had no doubt he'd fallen asleep. Lin allowed his alpha to purr, letting the vibrations in his chest soothe John's tired muscles. His smile widened as he felt a smaller purr vibrating through John's body in return. It was a show of trust and contentment. It was more than he'd ever hoped to gain in their relationship.

They hadn't had the best of starts. His chest ached every time he thought of those first two heats. They'd been disastrous. He may have been a more experienced alpha, but he was in no way an experienced mate. When he'd first mated John, he'd had no idea what that bond would do to him. He'd never imagined the depth of emotion he'd feel for the young man in his arms. Everything had been intensified. The love he felt for John was immeasurable, and the pain of rejection had been sharper and more bitter than he'd ever imagined. He'd done his best to respect John's wishes and keep his distance, but it had been so hard. The longer they were mated, the longer they were apart, the more Lin wanted him. He wanted to hold him in his arms. He wanted to keep him safe. He wanted to build a life with him. For so long, he'd thought it would never happen, but these past few weeks had bolstered his hopes. Perhaps one day, in a few weeks or months, he might...stay...He nuzzled John's head at the thought, breathing in his candyfloss scent.

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